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No, Diesel oil is needed. Regular oil will not provide the necessary lubrication and it will cause a lot of blow-by smoke as it leaks past the rings since it is too thin.

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Q: Can you put regular engine oil into your diesel engine?
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What would happen if you put 1 quart of regular oil in your diesel pickup?

if it is an old diesel engine.. nothing an old diesel engine runs on sunflower oil or whatever else. but if it is a new engine it wil stuck. (srry 4 my bad English i am dutch)

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Yes, never put oil formulated for a diesel in a gasoline engine.

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You can use a cpl quarts of diesel fuel with a cpl quarts regular oil. 3 diesel and 2 oil and run it for about 30 mins then drain and replace filter and oil.

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Empty your tank out, drain the fuel lines, as the gasoline will damage your diesel engine.

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Only if you have time to fix the resulting non running mess. Diesel fuel, no. Diesel engine oil, yes if it is the proper weight.

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Can you put 10w 30 oil in a diesel engine?

If that is what the engine manufacturer calls for, then yes.

Does it help to put regular gas into your car when you put diesel in it?

Never put gas in a diesel car. And never put diesel in a gas car. An engine is built to handle one and not the other.

What do you do if regular gas was put in your truck and it has a diesel engine?

Drain the tank, change the fuel filter, refill with diesel.

Where do you put oil in Clark forklift?

If it is a diesel or LPG engine, you put the oil in like a regular vehicle( cap on valave cover or through the dip-stick(if it doesn't have a cap). Hydraulic oil has a separate reservoir(could be under the floor board or near the engine(depending on year/modle).

Will mixing diesel oil with petrol oil damage engine?

No is the simple answer... may help clean out your engine because of the detergent found in diesel oil ..just put the right oil in on your next service and change filter