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Q: Can you put sunblock on and then tanning oil and still tan?
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Can hand sanitizer give you sunburn if you put it on before tanning and while tanning?

Only if it removes the sunblock you have already applied to your hands.

How can a teenage girl improve her very red complexion?

Okay,I have a very red skin complexion and I am a teen. Is what i do to help it is: I put water and ice all over my legs when I tan with tanning oil. Then I put DRIED leaves on my legs. (Only dried.) It really works with some tanning oil. And if you really want it to work just put some black crayons on your legs. (: Hope this help.s (I work at a tanning salon but sometimes I use a tanning bed.)

Is tanning oil bad for you even if you put sunscreen on beforehand?

It's like eggs without yolks. its an oxymoron.

Do you put tanning lotion on before you get in the tanning bed or after?

Before, definitely!

Friend wanted to know how long does she have to lie outside to get a tan?

It really depends on how much sun is put and what angle and if you have sunscreen on or tanning lol on. but if you are on a boat on the water with tanning oil it will probably take like 1 hour

Do any tanning beds let you set the UV out put?

SOHO tanning beds let you set the UV out put

How do you say 'I put sunblock on' or 'I wore sunblock' in french?

"J'ai mis de l'écran solaire" or "j'ai mis de la crème solaire"

Can regular tanning oil be used in a tanning bed?

I asked the Owner of the tanning salon I go too. And she told me i could use a little bit of tanning oil, but to not drench myself in it. So if you do maybe just put it on the top of your body because that part doesnt even touch the glass, and the bottom of your body does so it's already getting more exposure. Make sure you wipe down the best really good. Because, if it's all oily they may be even more suspicious about what you put on, and then you leave it all greasy.. they may not be too happy.

Is there radiation in tanning beds?

Whether it's a tanning bed or outside in the sun... MODERATION is the key. When you burn, you put your skin at risk for future problems. Slow exposure and not burning will give you the tan you're looking for with the minimum about of risk. Plus, hydrating the skin is critical when tanning .

Do you still put sunblock while tanning?

Yes it just depends on the amount of SPF you are using. The way sun screen works is it screens out a certain amount of UVB rays, so as long as it's not a super high amount you can still potentially get tan.

Is it bad for the sensitive skin directly under your eyes to put sunblock cream there?


Why oil light is still on and you put in oil?

Oil pump has failed or the oil pressure sending unit is bad.