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Unless you have a precise temperature history of the thawed swordfish, refreezing it would not be recommended. The vacuum packaging could promote the growth of C. boutlinum along with the formation of the toxin if it got above 38 degrees F. Swordfish can also produce histamines when temperature-abused which could result in Scombroid poisoning.

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Q: Can you refreeze vacuum packed swordfish?
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Why do they say on the packages of BJ's Swordfish to Remove all packaging the vacuum packing the fish are in?

because when the fish is first vacuum packed its raw, and has bacteria. Don't re-use the vacuum packing as you cannot remove bacteria

Can ammunition be vacuum packed?

No, not at all

Are vacuum packed fruits or vegetables cooked or fresh?

Vacuum packed vegetables are blanched, which is a process of partially cooking them in boiling water. They do this because raw vegetables give off gases when stored. Vacuum packed fruits are uncooked when frozen.

How do you store vacuum packed deli meat?

Vacuum packed deli meats should be stored in the refrigerator or frozen until ready for use.

How long will a vacuum packed turkey last in a fridge?

A vacuum packed turkey will generally last three days in a fridge. After this length of time it will begin to spoil.

Can you refreeze raw vacuum packed meat?

It depends somewhat on the meat. However, most red meats and pork can be re-frozen with this caveat: the meat must have been thawed in the refrigerator. If it was quick thawed in water or the microwave, it should not be refrozen. It depends on how completely it was defrosted. If it still had ice crystals it was not thawed completely. If all of it got over 32 Deg F do not refreeze.

Can you refreeze vacuum-sealed sausage if it has not been opened?

You should not refreeze any food. Vacuum-sealing only slows the deterioration of that food; it does not kill any bacteria that might be on it so the sausage needs to be eaten within 24 hours of defrosting, unless package instructions say differently, or discarded.

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What is vacuum packed food?

Food that is packed in such a ay that air cannot get to it and without any protective gas in the packaging. Many ground coffees are vacuum packed (the package is hard until you let air in by opening and then it is soft, powder in a plastic bag).

What is the proper way to take the temperature of vacuum packed food?

The proper way to take the temperature of vacuum packed foods is with a metal stem thermometer. To take the correct temperature, put the thermometer in the center of the food.

What food can be brought into Mexico?

Only canned, vacuum-packed or dried foodstuffs.

What is the right way to measure the temperature of MAP or vacuum-packed foods?

The proper way to take the temperature of vacuum packed foods is with a metal stem thermometer. To take the correct temperature, put the thermometer in the center of the food.