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Yes but it is perfered by a doctor not to because it lessens the medication from working because you are adding bacteria to what it is already trying to kill making the medicine work harder and it will take longer for you to get better

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5mo ago

I am not a doctor, but smoking cigarettes while taking any medication, including cephalexin, may have potential interactions and could affect your health. Cephalexin is an antibiotic, and smoking has been linked to various health issues, including respiratory problems.

It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional or your prescribing doctor about any potential interactions between cigarettes and your medication. They can provide personalized advice based on your health status and medical history. If you have concerns about smoking and medication interactions, it's crucial to address them with your healthcare provider for the most accurate and safe guidance.

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12y ago

Yes , it is fine . Im taking Prednisone now , for bronchitis ( anti-inflamatory ) to help me breathe better . I found I had no ill effects . I reccommend though that you cut down on smoking though while on it , it does increase blood pressure . I have no clue about Augmentin though . I don't smoke that much now , I just stick with chewing tabaco or cigars

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Q: Can you smoke cigarettes while taking cephalexin?
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yes it will just slow u down though

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cigarettes are very bad for your health! you need lungs to do heavy reps,while on cigarettes you just,hmmmmmm,,.......

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Ive read up every where and all it says is no alcohol use, nothing about smoking cigarettes or weed.

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Demi Lovato has been photographed before while smoking menthol Marlboro cigarettes.

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Sure you can especially if you smoke intensely.

Is it safe to smoke cigarettes while taking lexapro?

While you're taking lexapro, please do not smoke cigarettes, it will effect your body even more than what cigarettes are doing. Whoever smokes cigarettes are not certified for this type of drug.

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Yes , a cigar can be smoked while taking ibuprofen .

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