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Yes, Spotting is common during pregnancy.

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Q: Can you still be pregnant if you've had your period once but it was VERY light but then you had it again 2 weeks later?
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Could you be pregnant if your period was light and short for the first time?

could you be pregnant if you period was short and light

How light can your period be while pregnant?

You don't get a period while you're pregnant

How do you tell from your period if your pregnant?

you miss youre period if your pregnant.

Could I be pregnant I had light pink spotting for 4 days and then it stopped...2 days later it started up again but it's very very light pink like almost nothing What can it be?


My period was a week late an now im bleeding light with cramps and im not sure if its implantation or period and i had unprotected sex a month ago but had my period right after can i be pregnant?

same here i had unprotected sex 6days ago and 1day later im on my period that weird shouldn't i be pregnant not on my period..??

In the beginning of october you got your period and it was heavy and 3 weeks later you got it again but it was light and lasted a day what can that be causes from?

You is stupid. (:

Could you be pregnant if you had period jul9 bleed again jul23 started light spotting august10th and spotted after intercourse and period still hasn't come?

If there was unprotected intercourse in there somewhere then yes.

What does it mean if you had a light period for 3 days then two days later you got light blood with thick white mucus-gel?

This may mean that you are pregnant. You need to do a pregnancy test.

Had normal period then started again for 3 days 12 days later?

Had my normal period dec 6th thru the 10th had sex on the 11th again on the 15th started light bleeding on the 20th for 3 days .

Dont you have to miss a period to be pregnant?

not nessecarily you can have a light or spotting like period for the first due period. in very rare cases you can get a light period for a few mounths or for the full pregnancy!!! if you you think you may be pregnant and have had a light period and other signs just take a test to be sure.

Had unprotected sex on sept 20 3 days later had clear light yellowwhite discharge up until 27th came on period light on pad but pee blood in toliet?

do a pregnancy test, it is still possible to have your period while your pregnant.

Will your period stop if you have intercourse and get pregnant?

yes. You don't get your period when your pregnant. when you first get pregnant though, some women have very light and short periods but that's it.