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You will continue to menstruate after having your tubes tied you will even ovulate but the egg is unable to travel past the blocked folopian tube nor will sperm be able to reach the egg. So no you cannot get pregnant after a successful tubal litigation.

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Q: Can you still get pregnancy while your tube tied and if you saw your period?
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Can you still be pregnant and have your periods with your tubes tied?

I would go to a doctor and get an ultrasound if you have tested positive for pregnancy if I were you... tubal pregnancies are emergencies and need to be dealt w/ as such... I almost lost my best friend to one many years ago- her tube had burst and it nearly killed her.

What are pregnancy symptoms if your tubes are tied?

If tubes were tied correctly, you shouldn't get pregnant at all. That's the point of getting them tied. If something went wrong and you still got pregnant, then symptoms would be the same as any other pregnancy.

Can you become pregnant with tubes tied and still have a menstrual?

Yes, you still have a period.Answeryes you get a period after getting your tubes tied. i just had mine done in April of 2001 and in may i started my cycle. it may be heavy at first for the first few months but then will go back to normal. if you do not get one after having the tied call your obgyn and let them know. you may get an infection.

Can you get pregnant after having tubes tied by c section 9 months ago.Could it be possible even still while breatsfeeding and started period and next month nothing. What are the chances if any?

If tubes are ligated properly - pregnancy should not be expected. In general during breastfeeding very often can be irregular cycles.

Lower abdomen pain and sick to my stomach but your tubes are tied?

You can still get pregnant although your tubes are tied. I would go to the store, get a pregnancy test to make sure.

Can your period come on twice in one month with you tubes tied?

i am fix but can it still happen

Does a pregnancy test detect the hormone if tubes are tied?

Pregnancy tests work the same on women with and without their tubes tied.

Is it normal to be spotting after a regular period when I have had my tubes tied?

You will still menstruate when you have your tubes tied because your menstrual cycle is still working as it would normally and your uterus is still present. You may experience some irregular bleeding if you're close to menopause or for a few days after your tubes are tied as a result of surgery. If irregular bleeding continues then you need to go talk to your doctor to find out why this is happening.

What if you take geritol and prenatal vitamins while your tubes is tied and missed your period?

Can Geritol and prenatal vitamins help you become pregnant with tubes tied

If your tubes have been tied and you think you may be pregnant will a home pregnancy test give you the right answer?

If you are a week past your missed period a HPT should work.

If you get your tubes burned do you still get a period?

the answer is yes i had my tubes tied and burned two years ago and i still get a period every month