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yes, that is what I'm on right now and I'm loving it but be careful take 60 mg morphine and 1-2 mg of klonopin you will feel good. you defiantly wont die

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Q: Can you take Klonopin and morphine sulfate together with out dying?
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When a person is dying what is the usual dose of morphine?

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Why stop giving morphine to a dying man?

Morphine could very well nauseate the dying man, which means that vomiting in his condition would be very uncomfortable, as well as non-productive. Morphine is not the drug of choice of many physicians in recent years. Not only is it often not as effective as more recent drugs, but can be halucinatory, confusing, and upsetting to the stomach

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Presumably because dying is a painful process in such situations, the morphine is intended to make the process as peaceful as possible.

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You literally have to be dying of cancer,On your death bed,And/or have been high on morphine for several hours.

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When organs are slowing down, it suggests a decline in their functional efficiency, which can be due to age, disease, or other factors. This can lead to symptoms like fatigue, reduced metabolism, or impaired organ function. Prompt medical evaluation and management are important to address any underlying issues.

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CAN a person request to reprogram the morphine machine justified by an ethical right to decide the course of his own death?

We frequently titrate the dose of morphine a patient is receiving based on their complaints or appearance of discomfort. It is acceptable to increase morphine for pain, anxiety or respiratory distress but I would be hesitant to increase it at the request of patient or family to "speed up the dying process".

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They don't - new born stars and planets are formed together.

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Impossible to answer. Cells in your body keep on growing and dying.

Why is Mrs.Dubose so sick?

Mrs. Dubose is depicted as being sick due to her struggle with a long-standing morphine addiction. She is determined to overcome her addiction before passing away, showcasing her resilience and strength in the face of adversity.

Does morphine mean close to death for a hospice patient?

It doesn't in principle, there are, however, certain situations in which it may do so. Morphine causes respiratory depression, meaning that it suppresses the bodies drive to breathe. The body adapts quickly to this, and in most cases, in waking patients, this is not much of a problem. In very weak patients, such as end-stage cancer patients, that are unconscious either due to disease processes or due to sedation, the respiratory depression that morphine causes may speed up dying, however.