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Yes, it will be negative because if you are having a period you are not pregnant.

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Q: Can you take a pregnancy test while on your period and it still be right?
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Can you take a pregnancy test while you are having your period and it still be accurate?

If you are having a period you cannot be pregnant

Are you pregnant if you had a period but you have morning sickness and still cramp after your period is gone?

You can still bleed while you're pregnant like you would when you get your period. Definitely take a pregnancy test to be sure.

If you get pregnant while on birth control pills will you still show the withdrawal bleeding while on the placebos and would pregnancy symptoms still occur on the pill?

Yes you will still have a period but it may be later and old blood. Yes pregnancy symptoms would still occur.

Why do you have a period after four months of pregnancy?

You shouldn't be having a period while pregnant. If you are experiencing bleeding and/or cramping you should contact your Dr right away or go to the ER.

Is it possible for a woman to still have a regular period throughout her pregnancy?

Your period stops when you become pregnant. Some women do bleed a little while pregnant but it is not a regular period and a doctor should be consulted.

Are there some women that don't know they are pregnant there whole pregnancy?

Yes, it is rare but it can happen. They may still get their period while pregnant or believe birth control is preventing them from getting their period.

Is it possible to be pregnant and still have your period?

It is possible to experience bleeding during early pregnancy. However a normal period like bleed is usually not related to pregnancy. Yes. though not common, you can still have your period while pregnant. Go to your doctor, health clinic, or take a pregnancy test to confirm. If you are pregnant, you will need prenatal care.

Is migranes and unusual period patterns a sign of pregnancy?

You can still get your period while being pregnant, and you can have bleedings which are not from period! Unusual period patterns can also be caused by stress or extreme situations. Migrane can be caused by hormonal changes, like during pregnancy OR during period. Better go and see your doctor to find the cause for your unusual period patterns!

Does a pregnancy urine test work while being on period?


Is it possible to be pregnant while you on your period?

Having a period (shedding of the uterine lining) and pregnancy are not compatible but some women experience monthly period type spotting during pregnancy.

Can you be on your period throughout your pregnancy?

No, it is biologically impossible to menstruate while you are pregnant.

Do you get a period after being on birth control for only one month?

You should still get a period while taking birth control pills. Your period usually occurs during the placebo week of pills. If the birth control was not taken properly, then there may be a chance of pregnancy, which delays your period. If you have not gotten your period during the placebo week, your should take a pregnancy test.