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Q: Can you teach a baby snake to eat chicken chunks?
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Why baby throws up white chunks?

If the baby is fed formula, it might appear as white chunks when the baby spits up.

Can a chicken kill a snake?

Not necessarily it usually eats the baby eggs by the way im only 11 and i know this

What can get in a chicken pen that is completely surrounded by wire?

Black Rat Snake would be my guess. Depends on the wire size and the size of the snake. He might get in - eat a baby chick and then can't get out.

Can you feed your baby corn snake breast of chicken?

no it is better to feed it baby mice.Because without any bones to eat it will those calcium. A mouse has all the right nutrients for your baby Corn.

What is a baby tiger snake called?

It is simply called a baby tiger snake.

What is kid snake called?

Neonate snake, Juvenile snake, or Baby snake.

What is a baby chicken called?

A baby chicken is called a chick.

What did Mr and Mrs Chicken call their baby?

baby chicken!Chick

How on babydow when your baby attends school can you teach it cooking?

You arent able to teach your baby to cook.

Do baby snakes have a nickname?

hatchling is the name for an baby snake

What do you called the chicken at they younger to older?

baby chicken

Can anoles live with a ball python?

No your snake will eat them unless it is a baby snake.