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Travel by boat from England to Japan is a possible trip, but a long one. Modern travelers will utilize the Suez canal which connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian ocean via the long and narrow(for a sea) red sea. This man made short cut cuts the trip almost by one-third or more... From the Indian ocean, continue east ,

... going around the large country of India, until you can slowly begin working your way north , which should be at Viet Nam and above that is huge China. You are very close, now. Following the coast of China north, you will eventually find a divided country.... from the sea you will see South Korea then North Korea,...which is the only connection to the mainland (and China). From this location next to Korea, you are almost at the southern tip of the island nation of Japan. to find it's capital, you must reach the eastern side of Japan and find a nice port to park your ocean liner.

Before the Suez canal was build... from England, you travel south down and around Africa. The southern tip of Africa to sea-going folk, is always a difficult and dangerous transition ... from the Atlantic Ocean into the very rapidly moving Antarctic ocean (there is no large body of land slowing the oceans rapid flow rate - aided by the earth's spin). Anyways,.... at the southern tip of Africa, head east and with the Antarctic direction of flow. You'll make good time. Still, you're going to join the 'modern path to Japan' at India... as I've written above.

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Q: Can you travel from England to Japan on a boat?
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