

Can you use a muffin pan for fudge brownies?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Yeah, I have before

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Q: Can you use a muffin pan for fudge brownies?
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Do you have to put butter or oil around the brownies in a cupcake pan?

They might, but it's best to use a brownie pan.

What is the use of muffin pan?

Muffin pans can be used to bake cupcakes, muffins, tea cakes, individual brownies, tarts, individual meatloaves, rolls, corn muffins, individual gelatin salads, etc.

How do you remove fudge from the pan?

To remove fudge from a pan, you can line the pan with parchment paper before pouring in the fudge mixture. Once the fudge has set, you can simply lift it out of the pan using the parchment paper. Alternatively, you can also use a knife to loosen the edges of the fudge from the pan before turning it out onto a cutting board.

Can you use a muffin pan to make cupcakes?

of course

Could you make cupcake without muffin pan and use foil liners?

you could but it would probably work best with a muffin pan.

If you spray a muffin pan do you need muffin tins?

No, because if you grease the pan the muffins should not stick. However, muffin tins, or cups, are easier to use, if more expensive, because the muffins always slide out.

What is the importance of muffin pan?

A muffin top pan allows you to make just the upper portion of muffins that most people find to be the delicious part. The only real use of the muffin top pan is to cut off the bottom part of the muffin in baking.

What pan size is a muffin pan equal to?

A muffin pan also known as a muffin tin is typically a metal pan usually with 12 cups or indentations used to bake muffins or cupcakes.

How do you use muffin pan?

You could try to flip the pan over and tap the bottom of the pan, and hope they come out.Another response:It may not be possible to remove muffins intact after they have been baked in an ungreased muffin pan. You can try warming the pan by setting it on a rack over steaming hot water for a few minutes. Then set the water aside and run a butter knife around the outside of each muffin, lifting each gently with a fork. Part of each muffin will probably tear off and remain in the pan, which will need to be soaked in hot soapy water to be cleaned.

Why do you need foil to make fudge?

You don't need foil to make fudge. Lining a baking pan with buttered foil and pouring the fudge into it is just one way to make it easy to remove the fudge from the pan when set. It also means less work cleaning the pan. The foil is thrown away when the fudge is cut up. You could just as easily use buttered baking paper, which is possibly more convenient since it's not as likely to tear as foil is during handling. Or you can simply butter the pan and pour in the fudge directly, either turning it onto a board to cut up when set, or cutting it in the pan. It's just a matter of personal preference.

Does flan have to b backed in glass?

No. It just has to be baked in a pan in a "water bath" which is where the pan is sitting in a larger pan of water. You can use a cake pan, muffin pan, pie pan, etc and place it in a roasting pan. The water should come at least half-way up the side of the flan pan.