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Yeah you can if you want to its the same width but id make sure its long enought because it can make it grow out a bit. Good Luck :)

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Q: Can you use eyebrow barbells for your naval piercing?
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Does a navel piercing have the same curve to it as an eyebrow piercing- Is the jewelry interchangeable?

Yes, and they recomend you not to cause the eyebrow ring may sink into your naval. they recomend you to use belly button rings instead.

Can you use eyebrow rings on a nipple piercing?

yes you can

What sort of jewelry do you use for an anti eyebrow piercing?

Generally a properly sized surface barbell.

What types of jewelry can be used in a tragus piercing for example eyebrow bar tongue bar labret stud can you use these?

Labret studs and any kind of ring are best. You could use an eyebrow bar if you'd like but it can look a bit strange because the ball would point down. Tongue bars are way too long. You could use smaller barbells though, they work just as well as labret studs. Just not the same variety :)

Can you use an eyebrow ring for a navel ring?

The eye brow ring is the appropriate size and gauge for the eye brow it's going into, navel rings and sized for the navel they are going into. You should see a professional body piercer and quit messing around before you hurt yourself.

Can you use cocoa butter on a navel piercing?

YES,you can use coaco butter on a naval peircing.

What does getting your eyebrow pierce mean?

Yes it means you have a pierced eyebrow. Piercings mean what you want them to mean, but they mean nothing to the general public. I agree with the above answer but my best rfiend has his pierced and I think of him as a bit of a punk.

How do you use barbells in a sentence?

A gym has many quality barbells. The athlete added more weights to the barbells. He was injured lifting the barbell.

Caring for naval piercing?

A new body piercing should be cleaned regularly. It should be kept dry, and you should avoid playing with it too much. You can buy piercing cleaner in stores, or you can use first aid alcohol. To clean a naval piercing, you should use one of the options above. A good brand is H2Ocean piercing cleanser. If the naval is infected, there are many steps to take. Soak with warm water on a cloth until it is not hot anymore. Use hydrogen peroxide to drain the infections, but you should not use it often becuase it will freeze the cells and complicate the healing process.

Can you use hydrogen peroxide to clean new eyebrow piercing?

No. That could cause scar tissue to build up. Use antibacterial soap or sea salt & warm water.

Can you use contact solution to clean naval piercings?

NO!!!! you should use salt sea spray from a local piercing shop and drench the hole with it

Can you use inside the ear earphones with a tragus piercing?

It seems like the backing would be annoying and would block your ear canal a bit. There are some great mini barbells you can use though.