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Q: Can you use nicotine gum instead of smoking before cardiac stress test?
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Im having surger and i have to get labwork prior to it i have been smoking for quite a while and i believe i will have to get a nicotine test how long does nicotine stay in your system?

The half-life of nicotine is about three hours. The metabolites can last for several days. You must not smoke before surgery. In a surgical emergency, the reduced ability to transport oxygen that goes along with all smoking could be fatal.

How long is it to get Nicotine out of your system to be safe to have a major surgery?

Most docs recommend not smoking for at least 24 hours before and major surgery.

WHY do you need to avoid nicotine and caffeine for 24 hours before an EEG AND what problems will arise if you do not avoid nicotine during that time?

Because both nicotine and caffeine are stimulants - they would give a false reading on an EEG machine. Abstaining from smoking and drinking coffee for 24 hours before the test, would give a more accurate trace.

How long does it take to get cigarettes out of your system?

100 yearsHow long do you have to stop smoking before a drug, blood, or urine test cannot detect any compound except nicotine? Can a blood or urine test tell the difference between chewing the gum and smoking a cigarette (i.e. the other chemicals in cigarettes"?

Why dont people quit smoking?

There are a lot of reasons people will give to not quit smoking. Smoking relieves stress Smoking helps me concentrate Smoking keeps me awake Smoking is socially cool I can quit whenever I want I smoke because I want to It doesn't cost much However these are all built by the illusions of smoking, the nicotine is a very addictive poison that infests the body. The body builds up a tolerance for highly addictive poisons...thus, the amount of nicotine you wanted before, would increase. Withdrawal does not feel like " I need more nicotine ". It feels like normal day to day stress, being tired, insecurity, etc. Then when you light up and these go away temporarily, you associate cigarettes with being a solution to these problems. This is the beautiful trap of smoking. Eventually you depend on cigarettes to relieve the problems it is causing, thinking without cigarettes these feelings would always be there. That is why people do not quit smoking.

Does smoking a cigarette just before bed effect sleep?

Studies have shown smoking right before going to sleep will have a negative impact on the sleeper. This usually results in the sleeper not reaching the level of "deep sleep" but maintaining a level of "light sleep". This said, smoking prior to bed increases the chances of not having a restful sleep or feeling refreshed in the morning. Remember: Nicotine is a stimulant.

Are you a heavy eater after a smoke?

Smoking decreases appetite. Nicotine is a stimulant, and like all stimulants, it inhibits the appetite. Many smokers avoid smoking before a meal but smoke right after one. Individual reactions to smoking and appetite will vary. Some studies have found a correlation between increased appetite and smoking, while many smokers deny such a connection.

How long does nicotine to leave the system?

really it shouldnt take too long for it to leave, probably at most a week but your life span will still be shortened by a fair amount! +++ Given that most people take nicotine by smoking, the carcinogenic tar may be the greater threat.

Does smoking cigarettes before blood test?

Nicotine (Cotinine) is not something that is routinely checked for in tox screens. However, it is a chemical, and it does leave traces in both blood and urine for 2 to 4 days. If the aim of the tox screen is specifically to discover evidence of smoking, then yes, a blood sample can show nicotine use.

Can chewing tobacco give you a headache?

yes it has nicotine in it which is a drug. nicotine poisioning is when you get a headache from nicotine, also more severe nicotine poisioning can cause light headedness, nausea, and also cause you to vomit. if you are a lightweight on nicotine if you put a big dip in its enough to make you throw up after about 25 minutes. but you will probably feel so bad before you ever make it to 25 minutes. my first i was lightheaded after 5 minutes of putting it in.

Can you use your electronic cigarette before gastric bypass surgery?

Electronic cigarettes contain nicotine, you need to check with your doctor or surgeon before you use nicotine.

What you can do to stop smoking?

Methods of QuittingCold turkey, or an abrupt cessation of nicotine, is one way to stop smoking. Cold turkey can provide cost savings because paraphernalia and smoking cessation aids are not required; however, not everyone can stop this way as tremendous willpower is needed.Laser therapy is an entirely safe and pain-free form of acupuncture that has been in use since the 1980s. Using a painless soft laser beam instead of needles the laser beam is applied to specific energy points on the body, stimulating production of endorphins. These natural body chemicals produce a calming, relaxing effect. It is the sudden drop in endorphin levels that leads to withdrawal symptoms and physical cravings when a person stops smoking. Laser treatment not only helps relieve these cravings, but helps with stress reduction and lung detoxification. Some studies indicate that laser therapy is the most effective method of smoking cessation, with an extraordinarily high success rate.Acupuncture-small needles or springs are inserted into the skin-is another aid in smoking cessation. The needles or springs are sometimes left in the ears and touched lightly by the patient between visits.Some smokers find hypnosis particularly useful, especially if there is any kind of mental conflict, such as phobias, panic attacks, or weight control. As a smoker struggles to stop smoking, the conscious mind, deciding to quit, battles the inner mind, which is governed by habit and body chemistry. Hypnosis, by talking directly to the inner mind, can help to resolve that inner battle.Aversion techniques attempt to make smoking seem unpleasant. This technique reminds the person of the distasteful aspects of smoking, such as the smell, dirty ashtrays, coughing, the high cost, and health issues. The most common technique prescribed by psychologists for "thought stopping"-stopping unwanted thoughts-is to wear a rubber band around the wrist. Every time there is an unwanted thought (a craving to smoke) the band is supposed to be pulled so that it hurts. The thought then becomes associated with pain and gradually neutralized.Rapid smoking is a technique in which smoking times are strictly scheduled once a day for the first three days after quitting. Phrases are repeated such as "smoking irritates my throat" or "smoking burns my lips and tongue." This causes over-smoking in a way that makes the taste and sensations very unpleasant.There are special mouthwashes available, which, when used before smoking, alter the taste, making cigarettes taste awful. The aim is for smoking to eventually become associated with this very unpleasant taste.Smoking cessation aids wean a person off nicotine slowly, and the nicotine can be delivered where it does the least bodily harm. Unlike cigarettes, they do not introduce other harmful poisons to the body. They can be used for a short period of time. However, it should be noted that nicotine from any source (smoking, nicotine gum, or the nicotine patch) can make some health problems worse. These include heart or circulation problems, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, high blood pressure, overactive thyroid, stomach ulcers, or diabetes.The four main brands of the patch are Nicotrol, Nicoderm, Prostep, and Habitrol. All four transmit low doses of nicotine to the body throughout the day. The patch comes in varying strengths ranging from 7 mg to 21 mg. The patch must be prescribed and used under a physician's care. Package instructions must be followed carefully. Other smoking cessation programs or materials should be used while using the patch.Nicorette gum allows the nicotine to be absorbed through the membrane of the mouth between the cheek and gums. Past smoking habits determine the right strength to choose. The gum should be chewed slowly.The nicotine nasal spray reduces cravings and withdrawal symptoms, allowing smokers to cut back slowly. The nasal spray acts quickly to stop the cravings, as it is rapidly absorbed through the nasal membranes. One of the drawbacks is a risk of addiction to the spray.The nicotine inhaler uses a plastic mouthpiece with a nicotine plug, delivering nicotine to the mucous membranes of the mouth. It provides nicotine at about one-third the nicotine level of cigarettes.Zyban is an oral medication that is making an impact in the fight to help smokers quit. It is a treatment for nicotine dependence.The nicotine lozenge is another smoking cessation aid recently added to the growing list of tools to combat nicotine withdrawal.