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Yes, although it should be one of the little devices using alcohol that are sold in many stores - it's like a tiny aerosol pump. The alcohol combines with the ice and evaporates it.

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Q: Can you use rubbing alcohol to open a frozen car door?
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What is the best way to clean a cassette deck?

Q-tips and rubbing alcohol. Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol , thiers q-tips that are longer and more tightly wound, if you could find those they work better, open door and rub heads, rollers and mechanisims and allow it to dry.

Does isopropyl alcohol expire?

Rubbing alcohol is a very useful first aid product. It can be used for many different things. The shelf life of an open bottle of rubbing alcohol is usually a year, but check the use by date.

What happens if you put rubbing alcohol on an open wound that won't stay scabbed over?

It will burn.

How do you fix a frozen car door?

Do NOT pour hot water on a frozen car door, your window will definitely not make it! Cold window in frozen car door+hot water=broken window. Try taking your ice scraper and actually prying the door along the seal to get it to pop open.

Can rubbing alcohol in the bath water affect the internal body?

The answer to this depends on two factors. First, the ratio of rubbing alcohol to water in the bath. The second would be if the person in the bath has any open sores that can allow the alcohol to enter the bloodstream. In low amounts and with no way for the alcohol to enter the body, the bath will be fine.

How do I open a frozen car door?

Put luke-warm water on it. Boiling water will crack glass.

Rubbing alcohol Spashed in my eyes help pleae?

Flush with water. The alcohol will not hurt your eyes if you wash it out. The water will dilute the alcohol.Again open your eyes and splash them with water until the burning stops.

Does rubbing alcohol and water work better than ice to relieve swelling?

Ice is the best thing for swelling. Not only does it help to reduce the amount of swelling but it also helps to prevent any more swelling from occurring. Rubbing alcohol is good for cleaning out an open would and reducing the chance of infection.

Why does the open door warning beep go off when all the doors are closed in your 2003 Honda Odyssey?

Check your contacts on the inside of the door opening. The ones on the door look like thick pins and they make contact with metal cylanders on the crossbeam. If they don't make a good connection, you can get that error. Use either rubbing alcohol or an pencil eraser to clean the flat cylanders and your problem will be solved.

Will rubbing alcohol turn to sulfuric acid if left open for a long period of time.?

it can spread in the air chemical acids affect the skin mess up so badly remeber keep it close not open

Why is there ice building up in your refrigerator?

Air contains water vapor, this water freezes against the frozen parts of your fridge. This increases if you open the door often or if the door doesn't close completely.

Why after unlocking my door on my Volkswagen polo will it not open?

It sounds like your Polo suffers from Stubborness, or it may be frozen shut, or maybe there is something stopping the door from opening such as a lamp-post, wheelie bin.