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Yes, you can.

Here is how we did it:

Remove slip covers from pillow case and turn inside out in order to remove ALL the feathers that have loosened from the cases. (This took a very long time and was most tedious.) It is required as the feathers will disintegrate and leave small particles all over your micro suede. This was determined after our 1st of 3 loads.

Turn covers back to micro suede side out. Start washing machine on warm, delicate cycle and use a quarter cup liquid detergent and fully dilute the soap before inserting slip covers into wash. (I'm not sure why, but it seemed safer) We had 6 "seats" and 10 large pillows as backs and 2 small pillows. We opted for a 3 load task for shear safety. (Our couch was very expensive in our minds and simply wanted to run a test) Upon completion, line or hang dry. No shrinking occurred, THANK GOODNESS!

All the cases look brand new. One case did have some bubbling or slight separation between the micro suede and the internal poly-liner, but when placed back onto the formed pillow it stretched back out. I believe this informed us that we should probably not do this as a regular means of cleaning. The owner's manual brags about using warm water and a towel to clean every thing but with this many sleeves/cases it can be a most daunting task with many misses and uneven cleaning, plus the corners never clean well enough.

Be confident and take your time as it is worth it. Our couch looks almost brand new.

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