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You can, but it's not going to help the hamster in any way, broken bones are really traumatic and often get infected, so if you really care for your hamster you should take it to the vet.

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Q: Can you wrap a bandage on a hamster leg if it's broken?
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a bandage or a boot

Can you wrap an ace bandage around your hamsters leg?

NO this was once a wild animal (or as wild as an animal can be in capitivity) don't wrap a plaster round it's leg

If your one month old hamster has broken its leg can it survive?

Take one table spoon of salt, half a table spoon of turmeric powder (this is a yellow powder used in Asian cuisine) add half a cup water and heat it gently on low fire, when the mixture thickens take an old peice of rag or bandage clothe and mix with the rest of the mixture. when it is luke warm wrap this rag round the broken leg, or foot with a little pressure. this bandage will dry quickly because of the salt in it. Leave it for 2-3 days or until the hamster starts walking without any difficulty. You can also wet the bandage twice daily with the rest of the mixture after heating it again to make it a liquid form. Hope this helps, and your hamster is ok !!!

What do you put on a puppys broken leg?

best thing to do is to bring it to a vet but if you can't afford that than wrap it in a soft bandage put wooden boards on outside then wrap it again this way the dog can't move it's bone but it is comfortable

Your dwarf hamster was bitten by a gerbil a few times and his leg is broken too what should you do?

If his leg is broken it is kindest to take him to the vet and have him put down. A broken leg can't normally be fixed in a hamster, and he will eventually die in pain.and give it food.

What do you do if the broken leg on my hamster has bone exposed?

Go to the vet.

My hamster's leg is broken and you can see the bone?

Take him to the vet!

How do you know if the leg is sprained or broken on a hamster if Its dragging the leg but eating and moving?

It probly has a broken leg take it to a vet or it may be sad or depressed

Your hamster has a broken leg and has broken through the skin you gave it an antibiotic shot in its shoulder and placed Neosporin on the cut where the leg broke through Is there any hope?

I'm not going to lie, but I think that there is no hope because my hamster paralyzed it's leg, and It died.

How can you set a hamster's broken leg with no vet nearby?

Very simple can't

How do you bandage a horse's legs for trailering?

you can use polo wraps. They are soft cotton material that you wrap around the leg below the knee.

Can vinegar helps in pt who can't walk?

can you put vinegar on a hamster's broken leg