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If his leg is broken it is kindest to take him to the vet and have him put down. A broken leg can't normally be fixed in a hamster, and he will eventually die in pain.and give it food.

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Q: Your dwarf hamster was bitten by a gerbil a few times and his leg is broken too what should you do?
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Can a gerbil kill a hamster?

It is possible. a hamster should not be kept with a gerbil. The hamster may also try kill the gerbil if it dislikes it.

What if your gerbil is bitten what should you do?

no questions asked take your gerbil to the vets straight away

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Should you get a tetanus shot if you were bitten by a hamster?

No, tetanus shots are for rusty metal.

I'm 13 should you get a Hamster or a Gerbil?

xPatchcat- I like active pets and some that will cuddle up with me, so what should I get?

Can a hamster and gerbil be kept in the same cage?

No. They may fight. All petshops should / will keep them separate

Should you get gerbil guinea pig or hamster if you want something that doesnt bite a lot and likes to be handled is fun to play with?

Hamsters are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you wrap a bandage on a hamster leg if it's broken?

You can, but it's not going to help the hamster in any way, broken bones are really traumatic and often get infected, so if you really care for your hamster you should take it to the vet.

How do you treat a dwarf hamster with bites from another breed of hamster?

yes there is a way if your hamster has been bitten by another breed you should keep them in different cages and put some vasaline on their wound and by a few day or a week or so they should have a scap of where their wound was then a few more weeks or days your hamster should be back to normal

What hamster supplies should you get?

get the little guy a wheel! hamster think it is fun and helpful for their health too. you also need, at least a pound of hamster/gerbil food and of course a food bowl.dont forget to get at least a 8 ounce water bottle too

How should you approach a female roborovski dwarf hamster that hates you?

If you still want to play with the hamster and take it out of its cage then gardening gloves are a good idea. They enable you to still be able to have fun with your hamster, but if he turns nasty then you are protected from being bitten.