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In Michigan, yes, the parent has the right to go to the Secretary of State and revoke your license, they can also reduce it to a level 1 if they choose.

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1mo ago

No, once you have obtained a driver's license, your parents cannot take it away from you. However, authorities can suspend or revoke your license for various reasons such as traffic violations or legal issues.

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13y ago

Absolutely not. Once you reach the age of legal maturity, your parents no longer have control over your licence. This goes for provinces and states that have maturity ages of 19/20/21 in which case it is their respective ages<.>

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Q: Can your parents take away your license?
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If you run away and take your parents car would that be considered stealing the car?

Yes, taking your parent's car without permission and running away with it would be considered theft. It is illegal to take someone else's property without their consent, even if they are your parents.

Which type of conjunction is shown in the sentence "Jayme's parents wouldn't let her get her license until she proved she could be responsible"?

The type of conjunction shown in the sentence &quot;Jayme's parents wouldn't let her get her license until she proved she could be responsible&quot; is a conditional conjunction.

When you legally move away from your parents at 16 what is it called?

When you legally move away from your parents at 16, it is typically referred to as &quot;emancipation.&quot; This process allows a minor to gain independence from their parents and have the legal rights of an adult before reaching the age of majority.

If you run away from home at sixteen in the state of Arkansas does that give the police legal rights to track you down and bring you back to your parents?

Yes, in Arkansas, a minor who runs away from home can be taken into custody by law enforcement and returned to their parents or legal guardian. This is done to ensure the safety and well-being of the minor.

What is the difference between a revoked license and a restricted license?

A revoked license is completely canceled and the individual no longer has driving privileges. A restricted license, on the other hand, allows driving under certain conditions or limitations, such as only for work or medical appointments.

Related questions

Can your parents evoke your license?

If you are a minor, your parents hold the right to take your license away. You must abide by their rules to keep your license since driving is a privilege.

Can the va take away your drivers license?

Yes, if you do too many traffic offenses the VA can take away your license.

Can your parents revoke your license at seventeen?

Take away and revoke are not synonymous in this scenario. I am not aware of a state that a parent can revoke a government issued document but I could be wrong. The state can revoke your license of course under certain penalties but I have never heard of a parent being able to revoke a license. Granted, a parent holds greater rights over a child than the government so theoretically your parents could take away your license among other things but not revoke. I hope that makes sense.

Just got my drivers license after i been pulled over with out one does this mean they wont take it away no more?

No. Driving is not a right. They can take your license away at any time.

What is the definition of suspended license?

they take away your license for an amount of time due to the crime you have commited

Can the state take away your license if someone hit you and you had no license and ins?

You already lost your license, now you lost it longer.

When should parents take away their children's pacifier?

They should take it away when there in preschool

Can your parents take your license?

no they can't you're considered a legal adult at 18

Can you get rid of your license... Like can you ask DMV if they can take it away for you?


Can they take away a child if the child's parents have the same dad?

Not unless there is a reason to take them away. That alone is not a reason.

What did parents take away from their children before tv?

Parenting today is NOT all that different. Usually, parents would scream, spank, and take away things their children like.

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