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YES, it is possible, but, it is probable that you will NOT. This is because, the HIV virus dies upon being exposed to air. Because the HIV virus is fragile, (granted it has been kept viable and alive in laboratories), experts agree that the virus does not survive well in the open air environment and would die within few seconds after been exposed to the air. This is especially true of the small amount found on the end of a safety pin. This being said however, to be on the safe side, since there is the possibility of a small chance-> you should get tested (remember the three month window period, so test again after three months of getting poked).

Also, do not confuse a pin prick with 'needle drug use". Many people think pins AND needles, very different indeed. An I.V. drug user uses a syringe which before wonderful programs like needle exchange (that enable an I.V. drug user to exchange their old needles for new). Many people prior to that shared syringes. Syringes have the ability to hold up to 100cc's of blood/drug mixture which could then in turn (when sharing 'needles') could be injected straight into the bloodstream of another. UNLIKE a pin-prick which cannot contain even 1/10 of 1cc, let alone 100cc's.

Lastly, the Hepatitis C virus CAN last longer on a safety-pin. This is the PRIMARY concern when people pierce each others ears, or tattoos (at home). Professional shops either use new equipment each time (or they should) and have an autoclave (which sterilizes everything before they use it on the next client). So, you should get tested for BOTH HIV and Hep C (and/or Hep B) and explain that you were pricked by an HIV positive person. If the person has HIV from drug use, the chances of Hep C infection are VERY high "Persons with HIV infection ...about one-third of HIV-infected persons are coinfected [have both]... hepatitis C"

-Fact Sheet CDC Centers for Disease Control

So, be safe, get tested, and try not to worry! Worst case scenario: you test positive for both, there is treatment! Today people die WITH HIV and NOT FROM HIV (meaning they die from something else unrelated at a ripe old age ;) Ok? so get tested, and do NOT worry!

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Q: Cana person get hiv or aids if poked by a safety pin right after someone positive?
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