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Vitamin A Your body converts carotene (which can be found in carrots) into Vitamin A. Vitamin A is a responsible for good and bad eye sight. Eye illness is usually the product of a Vitamin A deficiency.

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Q: Carrots are said to be good for the eyes because they are chock full of what vitamin?
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What vitamins inside carrots make them famous?

Carrots have Vitamin A which make the eyes see more clearly. Carrots are known for Vitamin A and beta carotene but is famous for Vitamin A

What do carrots do for your body?

Carrots are thought to give the eyes the best of sight, especially night vision. No-one can prove this to be true, but carrots also give Vitamin A, which can be proved.

Are carrots really good for your eyes?

Carrots do not improve eyesight they only maintain it.They're good because they have lots of vitamin A in them. If you wanna get the full dosage of vitamin A, it's better to eat carrots with some kind of fat, like a dip sauce.

Do vitamin a helps our eyes to see in dim light?

Cheese and carrots. Approved way tried by me!! xx

Do carrots make your eyes see better?

It does contain vitamin A which is good for eyesight

Does eating carrots help your eye sight?

Yes, carrots are a source of vitamin A which is necessary for healthy eyes. Other orange colored fruits and vegetables, such as cantaloupe, are also a source of vitamin A, so carrots are not your only choice.

Is there a vitamin A and if there is, what does it do?

There is such a thing as Vitamin A. This vitamin which is found in vegetables as carrots is composed of a compound which helps your eyes to work. Without this Vitamin, one will develop severe vision problems.

Is carrot good for your eyes?

yes but they do not improve eyesight they maintain it. carrots have lots of vitamin A, you can tell if you are low in vitamin A by having low night vision.

How are carrots good for you?

Carrots contain a very large amount of vitamin Aand they also contain falcarinol, which may prevent cancer. The carrot gets its characteristic orange colour from B- carotene, which on consumption by humans is metabolised into vitamin A. Massive overconsumption of carrots can cause hypercarotenemia, a condition in which the skin turns orange and liver damage can be caused by overdosing on vitamin A. Carrots are also rich in dietary fibre, antioxidants, and minerals. A lack of Vitamin A can cause poor vision, including night vision.

Which vitamin is needed to keep your eyes healthy?

Several vitamins help to maintain healthy skin, bones, and eyes. These include vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin A along with niacin.

What is the carbon-containing nutrient that keeps eyes and skin healthy?

Vitamin "a" is said to be good from foods like carrots.

What to eat to make your eyes brighter?

eat alot of vitamin c , like carrots and oranges but try to stay away from the acidicty foods eat alot of vitamin c , like carrots and oranges but try to stay away from the acidicty foods