

Best Answer

# include <stdio.h>

# include <conio.h>

int main ()


char a;

printf("Enter the number");

scanf("%c", &a);

(a>=97 && a<=122)?

printf("\n\nIt is a lower case alphabet"):printf("\n\nIt is not a lower case alphabet");



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Q: Check whether the character entered through the keyboard is a lower case alphabet or not by using conditional operater?
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Which operater cannot be applied to a pointer?

Some of them: %, *, /, %=, *=, /=

What is the use of new operator?

A new operater is used to allocating a memory space for a particular object.

How the new operator works in java?

1. It is the only way to create object. 2. New is a keyword. 3. New operator allocates memory for an object. 4. It is a bit faster and clever way of creating objects or instances.

How you can improve the efficiency of lathe machine?

In order to increace the efficincy of a machine, you must eliminate losses of energy between the input and the output. This almost always means reducing or eliminating friction, either within the guts of the machine, or between the machine's moving parts and the outside world. That's the reason that greases, oil, other lubricants, and streamlining are so popular.

How can you convert an infix notation to postfix notation?

#include &lt;iostream&gt; #include &lt;stack&gt; using namespace std; int prec (char ch){ // Gives precedence to different operators switch (ch) { case '^': return 5; case '/': return 4; case '*': return 4; case '+': return 2; case '-': return 1; default : return 0; } } bool isOperand(char ch){ // Finds out is a character is an operand or not if ((ch&gt;='0' &amp;&amp; ch&lt;='9') (ch&gt;='a' &amp;&amp; ch&lt;='z')) return true; else return false; } string postFix (string infix){ string pfix = ""; stack&lt;char&gt; opstack; for (int i=0; i&lt;infix.length(); i++){ // Scan character by character if (isOperand(infix[i])) { pfix += infix[i]; } else if (infix[i] ')') { // Retrace to last ( closure while ( != '(') { pfix +=; opstack.pop(); } // Remove the '(' found by while loop opstack.pop(); }

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Which operater cannot be applied to a pointer?

Some of them: %, *, /, %=, *=, /=

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Special Operater. Navy SEAL.

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The correct spelling is operator.

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About $20

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