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Western civilizations are advanced than Islamic nations. The West has used technology and innovation to invent things like cars, computers, and telephones.

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Q: Compare between the Islamic and Western Civilizations?
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religeon ~c=3

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Ask us anythingWhich of the following accurately describes a difference between Islamic caliphates during the Islamic Golden Age and Western European kingdoms following the fall of the Roman Empire?

APEX: Science and technology flourished in Islamic caliphates but declined in Western Europe.

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The Western Europeans and the Byzantium civilizations had a predominantly Christian society so that would bring a lot of interactions between the two. But it would also cause problems between the two due to the fact that both cultures had differing views of the faith. During the crusades western Europeans would travel to the Mediterranean so there was a lot of interaction there. The western Europeans and the Byzantium people were a part of the Eurasian long distance trade routes which would have allowed for active communication and integration between the two groups for trades and business interactions. The groups of the western Europeans and the Byzantium people also were together in wars against the Islamic world.

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The vast dichotomy between Christian and Islamic teachings.

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This accolade should probably be shared between Greek and Roman civilizations although Roman culture and influence was probably much more widespread.

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