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Q: Completee this analogy cow is to beef as calf is to?
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After a cow calves should you milk her or not?

It depends. Is she a beef cow or dairy cow? Are you wanting to keep the cow with the calf or separating the calf from the cow? Usually with beef cows you don't bother with milking them unless you have to because the calf isn't up and suckling soon after birth and you want to encourage the calf to be up and suckling, or to get some milk from a cow or heifer that won't accept her calf right away to feed that calf with. With dairy cows, though, if you've separated the calf from the cow right away, it's ideal to milk that cow to collect the colostrum to feed that calf--and other calves--to the benefit of the calf's health. But, if you are wanting to keep the calf with the cow for a couple of days, then no, it's not necessary.

Can a polled beef cow give birth to a horned calf?

Yes. A polled beef cow that is more than likely heterozygous for the horned gene, and the sire that could have been horned or also heterozygous for horns is more than likely to produce a horned calf.

What is child of a cow?

A "calf".

What is the young cow?

A young cow, in the sense of it being female, is called a heifer. Heifers remain so until they have had a calf. However in the more general sense, a young "cow" is called a calf.

How much would you pay for a 200 pound cow?

That depends on whether you're talking about a miniature cow or a 200 lb calf. Miniature cattle are much more expensive than a 200 lb calf, often going for around $10,000 per animal. A 200 lb beef calf may go for around $100, a dairy calf around $50 to $75.

Related questions

How do you get a beef cow to accept a calf that isn't hers?

The best thing you can do is to skin the dead calf of that beef cow's, and drape it over the orphan calf's body so that you trick the cow into thinking that that calf is hers. But this will only work if you have that cow's dead calf on hand and not if that cow doesn't have a calf or if you're wanting to put another calf on that cow. Other tricks include smearing cod liver oil or perfume or some other strong-smelling solution that's not poisonous to the cow nor calf over the cow's nose and all over the back and head of the calf, putting a dog in with the cow and the calf, etc.

Do cow mom's stay with their babies?

Yes, particularly in beef cow-calf herds.

Which is the category of beef meat?

Beef meat is from cattle. If the meat is from cow, steer, bull, calf, does not matter it is beef.

Can a beef cow be bred back before the calf is weaned?


What is beef farming?

Raise beef cattle for the purpose of turning those animals into meat. "Beef farm" is a very generic term, as it can refer to beef cow-calf operations or feedlot operations (and everything else in between.)

How does a calf help you?

A calf (or baby cow) is the reason that the beef and dairy industries have not crashed. They are the future beef and milk producers, so in short answer they will feed you.

After a cow calves should you milk her or not?

It depends. Is she a beef cow or dairy cow? Are you wanting to keep the cow with the calf or separating the calf from the cow? Usually with beef cows you don't bother with milking them unless you have to because the calf isn't up and suckling soon after birth and you want to encourage the calf to be up and suckling, or to get some milk from a cow or heifer that won't accept her calf right away to feed that calf with. With dairy cows, though, if you've separated the calf from the cow right away, it's ideal to milk that cow to collect the colostrum to feed that calf--and other calves--to the benefit of the calf's health. But, if you are wanting to keep the calf with the cow for a couple of days, then no, it's not necessary.

Which industry is an example for cattle breeding?

The dairy industry and the beef cow-calf industry.

Can a polled beef cow give birth to a horned calf?

Yes. A polled beef cow that is more than likely heterozygous for the horned gene, and the sire that could have been horned or also heterozygous for horns is more than likely to produce a horned calf.

What is the ability of a cow?

The mothering ability of a cow is a term that means how fast that cow (or even heifer) is able to bond with her calf and accept that calf once born. It is a term that encompasses the protective ability and maternal instincts that a cow should have upon having her calf, and is a term that is used in regards to beef breeding herds. A cow with strong mothering ability is a cow worth keeping, but a cow that is protective over her calf towards people is one to be very careful about.

When does the lactation period start in cows and when does it end?

For beef and dairy cows, lactation period begins immediately after a calf is born. For beef cows, the lactation period ends when their calves are weaned off of them. For a dairy cow, the lactation period ends when she is not longer being milked and allowed to dry up so that she can focus on putting energy into growing the calf inside her. The dry period for a dairy cow is shorter than a beef cow's: two months for a dairy cow, and four to five months for a beef cow.

What do you get from beef cows?

Beef calves. Beef cows are mature female bovines that have had a calf, and are primarily used in cow-calf production to produce calves that are raised and slaughtered for beef. However, when the beef cow is no longer productive, she gets slaughtered and turned into hamburger and sausages.