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Q: Construct an explanation for why a plant has both a rigid cell wall and a cellular membrane?
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Why does a plant has both a rigid cell wall and a cellular membrane?

The Functions of the cell wall and the cell membrane are different

What is the major cellular characteristic that separates organisms into plant and animal kingdoms?

A plant cell has chloroplasts while an animal cell doesn't. A plant cell also has a cell wall and a cell membrane, while an animal cell just has a cell membrane.

Do animal cells have wall membrane?

No animal cells do not contain nuclear membranes but plants cells do! Both animal and plant cells have nuclear membranes the main difference between the two is that plant cells have a cell wall and cellular membrane and animal cells only have a cellular membrane

What is one way a plant is different from animals?

There cellular structure. Plants have a cell wall and chloroplasts. Animals have a cell membrane and mitochondria

What are the functions of the cell membranes animal and plant cells?

the cell membrane protect the cell ,contain the cytoplasm and controls in the cellular transport.

What is the thin covering that all cells have?

All cells have a cellular membrane which performs selective transport. Plant cells also have a rigid cell wall which helps them to maintain their shape.

What structure is present in both plant and yeast cells but not in bacterial cells?

Plant and yeast are eukariyotes. They have nucleus and membrane bound organelles

What structures found in plant cells are primarily responsible for cellular support?

cell wall <333333333333

How can you tell a plant from an animals?

The first place to look is at the cellular level of organization. Plant cells will have cell walls composed of cellulose as well as a plasma membrane; animal cells do not have cell walls.

Do plant have a cell membrane?

yes a plant have cell membrane

A plant stands up straight because of the water pressure against the?

the answer is cellular membrane