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This is not legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Consult the specific laws for the state and county in which you reside for the rules that apply. In most states, any 18 year old is considered an adult and is capable of deciding when and where they reside. They have the ability to contract for housing. SOME states allow minors to become emancipated under specific circumstances, but this is not just a matter of filling out some paperwork. A minor is the responsibility of their parents until such time as they reach the age of majority or are legally emancipated. The parents are required to provide for the support of their minor children. If the parents give permission, the minor can live in another location. Such permission does not relieve the parents of the responsibility to provide support. If the parents do not give permission, the minor can be considered a runaway. Charges may apply to individuals that aid and abet such runaways, particularly if they are under the age of consent. In some states it is my understanding that this is not enforced for 17 year olds that leave home. If you are subject to abuse, you should contact social services for your area. They will assist you in getting out of the bad environment and into a safe place.

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Q: Could a 17 year old in Pennsylvania move out of her parents house if she is being abused without having to go to a social service?
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Contact the Child Protective Service or the Police and they will help you with a place to stay. Just running away or moving out without parental permission or emancipation is not allowed. You don't have to stay and be abused in any way.

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No without any evidence physical or pictures or even a video or witnesses of violence you cannot file for a restraining order against your parents. If you are being abused you can call the Children Protective Service or the police and they will investigate. You don't need to have witnesses or bruises etc to do that.

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No, not without parental consent or legal emancipation.

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If you have to ask... Then you are probably being abused verbally.

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no you can lwavw homw WITH PARENTS CONSENT at 16 but you must be 18 to leave home without parental consent.

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Can a 17 year old move out of their parents home if they are being abused or neglected in Nevada?

The parents are still responsible for them in Nevada. Without their permission they will have to wait until they are 18, or get help from social services to get to a safe place.