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Yes, it may well mean that your voice is breaking. At the stage of puberty where you voice breaks you may experience several changes, some of which are sore throats and squeaky, uncontrollable sounds. This is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.

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Q: Could a creaky sore throat mean your voice is breaking?
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What could it be if your voice is hoarse but your throat doesn't hurt?

Answer It could be laryngitis, inflammation of the larynx. You would have to see a doctor to be sure. Also if you Male and a teenager? It could be that your voice is breaking.

What Could Be The Reason My 14year Old Son Keeps Getting A Sore Throat?

One of the main reasons for it could be a swollen throat. You should get it checked by the doctor. If it is so then try to get it operated. Based on his age he might be starting the pubescent stage where his voice is breaking

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You could get sick around the vocal or throat area

Is the voice box on the left side of the throat?

The voice box is medial in the throat,

How do you know when your voice is breaking?

Because you will get a sore throat for about two days, and your voice will sound high for a few seconds, then low for a few seconds. the time it takes to break can vary from a week - 2 months.

Does your throat hurt when going through puberty for a boy?

You can get a sore throat, especially in boys when the larnx is stretching. This is a process that is natural and ends in the voice changing to a deeper tone. It is more often called the voice breaking.

What is the first symptoms of voice breaking?

Hi my voice started breaking yesterday im age 14 and it started off by my throat hurting and my voice went like almost asif i had lost my voice and today its starting to get a little bit crocky and it can some times feel like your throat is straining and ive heared it can take up to three weeks for your voice to completely break but if you have any more concerns just look up online for answers or go to your local Doctor or if you have older brothers or sisters talk to them i hope this helped.

Your voice has been experiencing uncontrolable changes for months now but recently has become croaky and is not a sore throat does this mean it is breaking?

Yes, it may well mean that your voice is breaking. At the stage of puberty where you voice breaks you may experience several changes, some of which are sore throats and squeaky, uncontrollable sounds. This is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.

Why does my voice sound like a train?

Everyone has a different voice and this may just be a natural speaking voice you'e been blessed with.. However, if this is not your normal voice, it could be a "cold" or just a sore throat...

Does your voice breaking hurt?

of course it does, when your voice is breaking you will feel some pain. This just means that your voice is getting better or it has just started to break. No. You don't feel pain when your voice break. You will only hear the changes in your voice. If you experience pain, tell your parents so they can get you to a doctor for medical check.

If a frog is losing his voice do you say he has a frog in his throat or a human in his throat?

Another frog in its own throat

How long does it take for your voice to break but my voice is breaking?

It all depends on when and how you hit puberty, if your voice is breaking now, a couple of months maybee