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One of the main reasons for it could be a swollen throat. You should get it checked by the doctor. If it is so then try to get it operated. Based on his age he might be starting the pubescent stage where his voice is breaking

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Q: What Could Be The Reason My 14year Old Son Keeps Getting A Sore Throat?
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This could just be the coming of a cold or throat infection. Whenever i am getting a throat infection or just a general sore throat my ears itch as well as my throat hurting. If this continues you should go to the doctors as it could be something worse.

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#3211!!!!!!Yes there is cause u could get a small rock out of dirt and it could be mix in the dirt and u dont no and u eat the dirt then you would have a rock in ur throat so u could swallow a rock!!!!!!1123# ~by Alasia Campbell~ bye~

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You could ask your doctor about the symptoms of gerd throat and how to avoid getting it. They will be able to tell you if you have it, if you think you got it.

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No but i did and it helps to not getting a sore throat but its best if you do it when your younger, i was 3 when i got them out. But you could still get them when your older its just better when your younger : )

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The nose warms and moisturizes the air you breath in. It could be that the cool dry air coming directly from the mouth is drying the throat and irritating it. Alternately, it could be that the reason for the mouth breathing is that the nasal passages are stuffy and mucus from them is dripping into the throat at night when you lie back (post nasal drip). This can be irritating.

What could be causing swelling in the throat and difficulty swallowing?

Throat infection or tonsillitis.

How do you know if it is sore throat or strep throat?

It's called a sore throat because it hurts. If you feel pain in your throat, that is a sore throat.

Do you have a throat infection if you have been in pain for about 5 days and it is just about bearable if you keep taking paracetamol ibuprofen and numbing spray and you are getting a lot of saliva?

It is impossible to know what is causing your throat pain without a doctor examining you. It could be a number of things including tonsillitis and strep throat, and the sooner you get a diagnosis, the better.