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You didn't mention the year, make or engine info but yes, it could happen if the belt was not installed properly. Expensive lesson.

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Q: Could replacing a timing belt and tensioners cause one hydraulic lifter to fire itsef through the casing?
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My dance sewing kit contains an upholstery needle, which is fairly blunt and has a large eye. When a string disappears, I proceed as follows: 1. Find a point in the casing where you can feel the string. 2. Make a small cut in the casing at that point, or a bit further back. 3. Use the blunt end of the needle to pull the string out of the casing through the hole. 4. Thread the needle with the string. 5. Put the needle into the casing and thread through. I do not usually bother to sew up the hole in the casing. It doesn't seem to grow or cause a problem, and of course it might come in handy again. I do like the idea of the spaghetti-strap hook or just pull out the drawstring completely, thread into a bodkin and rethread through the casing. It takes less than 2 minutes

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