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You might be pregnant

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Q: Could something be wrong with you if you skipped your period one month and the next month your was 2 weeks late?
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What happens when a period is skipped?

when you miss your period one month don't be alarmed it happens 2 every one

What does it mean if you skipped your period one month then the next month it came then you skipped again then the next month it lasted for about 2 days?

This is usually caused by irregular periods which are quite common. Its also advisable that you rule out pregnancy by performing a pregnancy test. See your Doctor for a evaluation.

What does it mean if you dont have a period one month but you did the month before?

It could just be that your periods haven't become regular yet. If your period has been regular for a while, then you have to look at the possibility of pregnancy. If that is not the case, you may have just skipped a period because of stress, over-exercise, or a change in your diet. If it continues to be a problem for you, go see a doctor.

You had the NuvaRing out for 10 days inserted a new one and skipped your regular period does this mean you are pregnant?

If you put your new NuvaRing in after ten days with no ring, you could be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test to be sure. Consider changing to a method that relies less on your ability to do something every month.

First sex was before menstruation but regular periods for the next 6 years until this month. Can the skipped period be caused by pregnancy?

Yes, that is a possibility. One skipped period is of itself not a certain indication of pregnancy, but it's one explanation for the missed period. Consider a pregnancy test.

I skipped a month of pills and not having a period can you start your pills that next month?

If you skipped a month of pills and have had unprotected sex you may be pregnant. You should talk to your doctor/gynecologist immediately about the situation and take a pregnancy test. Birth control pills only work when taken everyday at the same time.

I am a virgin My period is always regular and this month it is late Could there be something wrong?

Stress can sometimes delay a period along with many other things. If the woman is a virgin, she does not have to worry about being pregnant.

I had my period in the beginning of the month and I got it again July 28 and it was only 3days Why would you get your period twice a month?

it could be from stress

You are almost 17 and only get your period once a year is there something wrong?

Yes something is wrong. You are suppose to have a normal period every month.

What could be wrong if your cycle just changed two months ago and then you skipped a month but an HPT was negative?

Probably nothing. Stress can make you miss your period, as can change in diet or exercise habits. Also depending on your age, hormones can change causing changes in your cycles. It could be iregular periods or a hormonal imbalance.

I missed my period last month and it still hasn't came on this month could i be pregnant?


Why did you miss your period last month and it came on the next month?

Sometimes a woman's period is irregular. They could have their period one month, skip the next, then get it again. This happens more when women are just getting their period (more in teenage years)