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No, it won't damage you at all.

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Q: Could using of 100 percent whey protein standard gold supplement to build body will it spoil sperm level and after marriage can you become father?
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What kind of protein supplement does Ronnie off of jersey shores use?

100% Gold Standard Whey protein by Optimum Nutrition

What is the best brand for protein supplements?

One of the top selling protein supplement is Optimum Gold Standard 100%. As with all good protein shakes it contains low sugar and fat and more of the protein you need.

Can I use 100 percent whey protein standard gold before and after I work out?


Is protein a drug?

No. It's a supplement.

Is powder protein a drug?

No. It's a supplement.

What is whey protein powder?

Whey protein powder is the preferred protein supplement, as it is the most bio-absorbent, and consists of natural dairy protein. It is best to get an isolated form of whey protein.

How much urea do you add to your feed to increase growth rate in dairy calves?

If your dairy calves are younger than 4 months of age or lighter than 400 to 450 pounds (181 to 204 kilograms), no urea should be fed. This is because they are unable to synthesize it as readily as calves that are 6 months of age and older, and if subject to excessive amounts of protein, could result in death. If the calves are actually older than 4 months old, then you must know these specifics:1) Urea should provide a maximum of 33 percent of total protein in the diet2) In complete diets, urea should not exceed a maximum of 1 to 1.5 percent of total ration (dry matter intake). Ideally, the maximum would be one percent, and no higher.3) Urea should not be included at rates above 2 percent of the grain portion of the ration, and grain should be fed at rate of at least 3 pounds (1.4 kilograms) per day. Adaptation to urea addition should take 10 to 14 days.4) Note: Urea contains 281 percent equivalent crude protein.Thus, your question ultimately it depends on the weight of the dairy calf or calves in question. For example, a 500 pound dairy calf requires 1.5 pounds of protein (500 pounds x 2 percent of body weight dry matter intake [DMI] = 10 pounds of DMI x 15 percent protein requirement = 1.5 pounds of protein required). The question is, how much urea is to be fed? Assume that--inaccuracies about actual feed being fed aside--a 32 percent supplement is fed, labeled as equivalent crude protein (ECP) percentage from non-protein nitrogen (NPN), and in this supplement 32-11 percent beef supplement--inaccurate to you dairy folks, I know, but bear with me--that is less than 12 percent ECP for cow and backgrounding/weaner diets. Questions are a) how much urea is in a 32 percent crude protein (CP) supplement with 20 percent ECP, b) how much urea is to be fed and how much of the supplement from part a) needs to be fed, and c) how much urea can be fed in a complete ration and how much supplement can be fed to meet the calf's requirements?A) First, we find how much urea is in a 32 percent crude protein (CP) supplement with 20 percent equivalent crude protein (ECP) from urea.(Note: Out of 32 percent crude protein, 20 percent is from urea and 12 percent is from natural sources.) Since urea contains 281 percent ECP, the amount of urea in the supplement is 20 ÷ 2.81 = 7.12 pounds or kilograms in 100 pounds or kilograms of supplement(NOTE: DO NOT take this number as a means to know how much urea to feed to an animal, be it a weaned calf or a mature cow. A producer did this by accident and it resulted in major death loss to much of their herd.)B) Now we take the protein requirement of the 500 pound Holstein calf and find out the amount of urea and 32 percent supplement that can be fed to this calf.Remember that a urea-based supplement should not provide more than 33 percent of the total protein. Total protein that can safely come from urea is 1.5 x 0.33 = 0.495 pounds.The amount of urea to supply this amount of protein is 0.495 ÷ 2.81 = 0.176 pounds of urea. Since the amount of urea in the supplement from part A) is 7.12 percent, the maximum amount of supplement (NOT urea!) that can be safely fed is 0.176 ÷ 0.0712 = 2.47 pounds per head per day.C) If this 500 pound Holstein calf's DMI is 10 pounds (actual as-fed consumption amount primarily depends on the moisture content of the feed, although protein content also affects as-fed feed intake), then to determine how much urea to be fed in a complete ration is 0.01 x 10 pounds DMI (dry matter intake) = 0.1 pounds of urea.Amount of supplement (from part A)) is 0.1 ÷ 0.0712 = 1.41 pounds of supplement per head per day.These numbers from parts B) and C) show the minimum and maximum amount of urea that can be fed to a calf of this weight. The 0.1 pounds in part C) is how the maximum amount of urea that can be fed in a complete ration. The minimum (1.41 pounds) and maximum (2.47 pounds) of supplement that can be fed will become more equal as the calf grows bigger and her protein requirements become less with age. For instance, a 1300 pound mature cow will have a minimum supplement requirement of 3.1 pounds and a maximum of 3.4 pounds.

What supplement is best to increase muscle mass?

Supplement with whey protein and BCAAs as these will help you to increase the size of your muscle along with lifting weights. Ensure you have a diet which has good amounts of protein.

What is 80-90 percent of protein?

80-90 percent of protein = -10

What protein of cheese making is used as a nutritional supplement by bodybuilders?


What did hominids eat to supplement their protein and fat?

fat rich termites

Where can I get protein supplement reviews?

If it is harmful because of the medications or prescriptions you are currently on, check with the labels and companies to see if it is risky to mix the protein supplements with the prescriptions. In addition to this, visit the protein supplement company website to view health information and potential risks and side effects.