

Best Answer

The only way to know for sure is to take a HPT.


That's a period your having doughnut Implantation bleeding is just a spot of blood which last from 1 day up2 3 days its nothing like a period it seems your just having a period which is light periods can change every month really like one month its heavy next its light

from Pink Princess

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you're not sure if you're on your period or if you're having implantation bleeding because it is light and started as a brownish pink color before getting darker?
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If you have implantation bleeding around the time of your period will you have stomach pains as if it was your period?

With my first pregnancy I just had the implantation bleeding, no cramping, I felt wonderful. With my second pregnancy I had awful period like cramps. I didn't think I could be pregnant because it felt like my period was coming.

Can you have implantation bleeding then get your period?

If you get your period I do not believe it could have been implantation bleeding. You cannot get a period when you are pregnant. Any bleeding that you could have gotten would be implantation bleeding, which isn't very common, and you would not have gotten your period afterwards. No the above answer is wrong. You CAN get your period when you are pregnant. Not just once but every month. A woman in Canada just gave birth and didn't even know she was pregnant because she had a regular period every month, had no pregnancy symptoms and because she is a larger woman, could not see her stomach grow. Therefore, YES you CAN get pregnant and still have a period.

Is red clotting will occur during implantation bleeding?

No, red clotting is not typically associated with implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is usually light and may appear as light pink or brown spotting. If you experience heavy bleeding with clots, it may indicate a different underlying cause and it is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider.

What does it mean if you Implantation bleeding after menstural cycle?

Your menstrual cycle doesn't affect implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself into the uterine lining (which would confirm pregnancy, but at this time you will not get a positive pregnancy test because you are not far enough along yet).

How far along are you when implantation bleeding starts?

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To be pregnant and have a period one month but miss the next month?

Its not possible you dont have your period at all if you pregnant and you wont have a normal period if you are its possible that it wont even come on which is a missed period. Most women do mistake periods for implantation bleeding (spotting),which is not a period just because they see a red spot or they bleeding on and off their pregnant while their on there period, no it doesnt work that way if you having periods while your pregnant please get checked.

How can you tell the difference between your period and implantation bleeding or what does it mean if you bleed lightly between your periods?

If you bleed lightly during your periods it is probably because you are ovulating. The difference between a period and implantation bleeding is that a period is heavier and lasts for longer and will need a tampon or sanitary towel, but implantation bleeding is light, not constant and only lasts about 1-2 days. You only need a pantyliner

Is it possible to have implantation bleeding after your period is finished?

My boyfriend and i have been having unprotected sex for a couple of weeks now. My boyfriend tells me that before her cums he pulls out (but still if im pregnant it can be because of pre cum) anyways i had a period and looking back to my period it was strange it wasnt a normal flow. After my period was over five days later i go to the bathroom and after i wipe i see a light brownish color on the toilet paper at first it was like a darkish brown color but as i kept wiping and wiping the amount of bleeding got smaller and smaller this lasted about a day and a half. am i pregnant?

What is wrong if you are two weeks late and then you bleed a brownish color and then it turns to dark red and starts to taper off the next day?

Nothing is wrong. You can call your doctor to be sure. Good luck and God Bless:) Hi, This sounds like it could be pregnancy bleeding. Known as early pregnancy bleeding or implantation bleeding. Do a pregnancy test now because your 2 weeks late for you period or see your doctor for a blood test.

Are you having implantation bleeding if you're spotting a day after conception?

No, because you cannot tell you have conceived the next day.AnswerNo sorry

Why did my period come 6 days early day 19 of a 24 day cycle it seemed normal but can i still be pregnant?

If it was lighter than normal and only lasted a day or two than yes you could still be pregnant. Many woman don't realize they are pregnant because what they think was their period was actually implantation bleeding. If you think you are pregnant and the bleeding is accompanied by sharp pains in your abdomen you may want to go to a doctor to make sure it isn't an ectopic pregnancy.

Positive result of pregnancy before or after implantation bleeding?

You're more likely to get a positive test result after implantation bleeding, because the pregnancy hormones go up and up each day during the first trimester, and the higher the levels of the hormone, the more reliable the test will be