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Yes, it is possible to have a period while pregnant. Many women experience light bleeding during the first weeks of pregnancy, either slightly before or at the time they expect their period. They assume that it is a normal period, even though it may be light, but it may be implantation bleeding, which occurs when the fertilized egg implants into the uterine wall. Other women experience regular periods throughout the entire pregnancy.

You can be pregnant and still have a period, of sorts. You can also get pregnant while on your period and females have to watch their Lunar Cycle. When a woman ovulates in response to lunar activity, consistent with that activity on one's birth date.

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Q: Could you still be pregnant after your period came if you had a lot of pregnancy symptoms such as menstrual-like cramps and bloating and gasiness that was much more intense than PMS?
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I have my period and am very dizzy with other pregnancy symptoms - can I be pregnant?

There is a small chance you could be pregnant but with your period you can get dizzy, have cramps, bloating, headaches, backaches, and feel like you are pregnant. The best way to find out for sure is to take a pregnancy test.

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It is possible to reduce bloating during pregnancy but unfortunately most pregnant women will experience it. The main thing that can reduce bloating, is to make sure to eat the right foods. Talk to your doctor about the right foods to eat, but fruits and vegetables are always good. One should make sure to drink plenty of water as well.

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There is no set time for any pregnancy symptom to start nor any guarantee that you will have it. Every woman and every pregnancy is different. You could have it around 5 or 6 weeks or you could never have it.

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Bloating during pregnancy is VERY normal. I am 16 weeks pregnant now and some days I still have extreme bloating. Even when I was only 6 or 7 weeks pregnant, I looked much more than that because I was so bloated. It does get better though the further along you get.

Does bloating mean im pregnant?

No, it probably means that you are about to have your period. Typically, the first sign of pregnancy is morning sickness, although you might miss your period before you have morning sickness.

Can bloating make you ffel like your pregnant?

of course!

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probs yes

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Could be - some people feel effects immediately. You need to do a pregnancy test.

Bloating and sore breasts means what?

You are pregnant more then likely

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You are most likely pregnant. Trust me. I'm a doctor. And you should see yours too.

Late period bloating constant urination cramping and a negative pregnancy test?

Until you get your period, you couldd still be pregnant, but it could just be too early to test. Wait and take another test.

What if you are spotting blood and your stomach feels bigger?

it is quite likely that if you are spotting blood and your stomach feels bigger then you are pregnant. spotting blood is often a sypmtom of early pregnancy. if your stomach feels bigger, it could be the result of numerous things such as bloating, weight gain or pregnancy. if this is happening to you then i highly suggest you do a pregnancy test.