

Definition of exotic species

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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Exotic species are animals that are not native to the area. Lions and giraffes are exotic animals in Ohio but not in Africa.

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What is a species that is not native to a particular region is?

Exotic Species.

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An alien species is a species that is not native to an area. An exotic species is native to an area but not common.

What term defines the kind of species that have been introduced to the ecosystem by man?

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What is the difference between and exotic and native species?

A native species originated from that area while an exotic species came from somewhere else.

How are native species and exotic species alike?

they are alike

What is a easy definition of a zoo?

A zoo is a place that contains exhibits for the display of exotic animals, and it additionally provides them with a suitable environment and the continuity of endangered species.

Why do exotic species displace native species?

Often the exotic species has fewer natural enemies in the new environment but competes for the same food supply and other necessities as the native species it displaces. Sometimes the exotic species is more adaptable or more aggressive and so pushes out a native species. Sometimes the exotic species reproduces at a higher rate or more successfully than does the native species.

Why do exotic species sometimes take over an ecosystem?

When exotic species are introduced into a new ecosystem, they often don't encounter the same factors that controlled the exotic species population or growth that was in the original ecosystem.

Definition for exotic animal?

An exotic animal is a rare or unusual animal kept as a pet.

What are exotic spesies?

exotic species do not live in our country like koala and penguin

Why is a giraffe an exotic species?

They are only in Africa.

Is a house sparrow a native or exotic species?

a house sparrow is an exotic bird no a native bird!