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John Adams attended the first continental congress in Philadelphia as a delegate from Massachusetts on 1 June 1774. The representatives from different American colonies met to discuss opposition to British rule.

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Q: Delegate from Massachusetts
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Who was the Massachusetts delegate to the Second Continental Congress?

John Adams and Samuel Adams were two of the most famous delegates. Other prominent delegates from the state include Thomas Cushing, Francis Dana, Nathan Dane, Elbridge Gerry, Nathaniel Gorham, and John Hancock.

Who was chosen as a delegate to the first continental congress in philadelphia?


What actors and actresses appeared in The Michelle Apts. - 1995?

The cast of The Michelle Apts. - 1995 includes: Nancy Beatty as Mrs. Haggerty Mary Beth Rubens as Madeleine George Buza as Burt David Calderisi as Mr. Turnbull Dick Callaghan as Dancing Delegate Henry Czerny as Alex Daniel Kash as Dean Peter Kaye as Dancing Delegate John Liddle as Delegate at Phone Booth Richard McMillan as Ernie Peter Outerbridge as Jules Renato Rizzuti as Delegate at Phone Booth David Sparrow as Large Man Greg Swanson as Delegate at Phone Booth Maria Vacratsis as Hotel Manager

What does MA state stand for?


At the first Continental Congress in Philadelphia Pennsylvania who was the first delegate to be chosen?

Peyton Randolph

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Massachusetts delegate who helped write the declaration of independence?

John Adams is the Massachusetts delegate who helped write the Declaration of Independence. Adams later became President of the United States.

What Massachusetts delegate seconded the independence resolution?

John Hancock

Who is the first delegate from Massachusetts?

Darian and Savannah cuz we are vampires

What member of the writing group was an outspoken delegate from Massachusetts?

The one with purple haaair, duhhh.

Was Hancock a delegate to the second continental congress?

John Hancock served as the President of the Second Continental Congress, and was sent to the Congress by the state of Massachusetts as a delegate.

What Massachusetts delegate did not back a national government but merely wanted to revise the articles of confederation?

Rufus King

What are the importance of delegate?

what are importanne of delegate in management what are importanne of delegate in management what are importanne of delegate in management

Who was the delegate that kept a notebook of daily events?

You may be thinking of founding father and former president John Adams (who was also a delegate to the Continental Congress). He kept a written record of his experiences. More information about his writings (notebooks, diaries, etc) can be obtained through the Massachusetts Historical Society.

John Adams was asked to represent this New England state at the Convention but he was unable to attend?

John Adams was asked to represent the New England state of Massachusetts at the convention but he was unable to attend. Adams was the first continental delegate to represent the state of Massachusetts in 1775.

What is the noun form of delegate?

The personal noun form of delegate is also delegate (a delegate). The noun for the process of delegating, or a group of delegates, is delegation.

Why are alternate delegate needed at conventions?

Because any delegate that does not show up at the convention is removed and their delegate slot is given to an alternate delegate.