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Q: Deposits from cigarette smoke are most likely to interfere with the ciliated mucose membrane located in both the?
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Where is the cell membrane on a ciliated epithelial cell?

Well, the cell membrane is on the outside of a cell. So that is the answer , on the outside of the cell, protecting the inner part.

Which structure in humans in lined with ciliated mucous membrane is supported by cartilaginous rings and functions as a passage way for air?

The trachea

Is Cutaneous membrane a dry membrane exposed to air?

Yes, that would be a fair statement although your skin always has a degree of oil deposits on it to help with moisturizing.

What tissue lines the inside of the digestive system?

digestive system is lined inside by non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium some of which are ciliated

What tissue forms supporting rings of respiratory passages?

Ciliated and pseudostratified columnar epithelial cells plus goblet cells for the secretion of mucin.

What is the three types of epithelial tissues?

there are simple and complex epithelial!they are:Cuboidal EpitheliumColumnar EpitheliumCiliated Columnar EpitheliumGlandular EpitheliumStratified EpitheliumSquamous epithelium

What does the cell membrane do in the ciliated epithelial cell?

The basement membrane is what epithelial cells lie on top of. They separations of apposing layers. They have functions, to have compartmentalization They basically have influences in cell proliferation, adheasion, migration, differentiation. Reservoir for growth factors, enzymes and plasma proteins.

What tissue is specialized for the rapid diffusion of gases and nutrients across its cells?

There is a very thin one celled membrane called simple squamous epithelium that works this way.

What is velum?

Velum is a thin, membranous structure that separates the oral and nasal cavities in some animals, including humans. This structure helps to regulate airflow and prevents food and liquid from entering the nasal passages during swallowing.

The trachea is lined with what?

The trachea is lined with a moist mucous-membrane layer made up of cells containing small hairs called cilia. The cilia project into the channel (lumen) of the trachea to trap particles. There are also cells and ducts in the mucous-membrane that secrete mucus droplets and water molecules.Cilia are whiplike, motile cellular extensions that occur, typically in large numbers, on exposed surfaces of certain cells. In the trachea, ciliated cells that line the respiratory tract propel mucus laden with dust particle and bacteria upward away from the lungs. Centrioles, referred to as basal bodies, are the originating source of cilia.

What is ankyglossia?

A congenital anomaly in which the mucous membrane under the tongue is too short limiting the mobility of the tongue. The mucous membrane is also called the frenulum. This is what was traditionally known as "tongue-tied" In its most severe presentation, it can interfere with eating and speaking, and surgery may be necessary, though most doctors are reluctant to "clip" the frenulum in milder cases.

What is the tylakoid?

it is a membrane. a membrane of a chloroplast.