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Q: Describe how microscopic sea organisms form petroleum and natural gas?
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How do petroleum and natural gas form from microscopic sea organisms?

they form together to make the natural gas form

How do petroleum and natural gas form from microscopic sea organisims?


How do you obtain petroluem and natural gas?

we obtain petroleum and natural gas by the remains of microscopic sea life. by: Ta Robinson

From what do petroleum and natural gas mostly form?

The remains of sea organisms

What is the resource formed mainly from the remains of microscopic-sized marine organism?

A resource formed mainly from the remains of microscopic-sized marine organisms buried beneath the ground petroleum. The kind of energy produced when billions of atomic nuclei from uranium are split apart in a fission reaction is nuclear.

What term describe natural nonliving material coal petroleum or mineral?

Both of these natural resources are non living. So I'm not sure.

What is the term used to describe when organisms with the best adaptations survive and reproduce?

Natural selection

Why can you find natural gas and oil deposits in the same location but not able to find coal and petroleum deposits at the same location?

Natural gas and oil are produced by the death of microscopic animals and coal is produced by the death of macroscopic plants.

What is a substance made from natural gas or petroleum?

Natural gas, gasoline, and kerosene are some fuels made from petroleum.

What is the source of natural gases?

Natural gas is found with petroleum reserves, so petroleum can be considered the source of natural gas.

What are 7 places carbon exists?

Carbon exists in, Coal, Graphite, Diamond, Carbon dioxide, Living organisms, Minerals, Natural Gasses, and Petroleum.

Can coal petroleum natural gas can be prepared in laboratory by dead organisms?

No,Their formation is a very slow process and condition for their formation cannot be created in laboratory