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Soon after the Reformation began in the 1500s, Protestantism spread beyond Germany mainly through the simple power of example. Martin Luther's willingness to defy the Church authorities provided similar-minded reformers (in Swiss cities, in England, and elsewhere) an example to follow, even where their own ideas differed from his.

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Protestantism spread by a numerous amount of reasons, but the two largest were abandoning the Catholic Church and obviously converting/preaching. Before Protestantism was created, there was either the Catholic Church or the Eastern Orthodox, and basically wherever you lived decided your religion; Western Europe was Catholic and Eastern was Orthodox. However, the Catholic Church was a very corrupted place during this time, just an example is that they were selling indulgences to keep the church afloat. Indulgences are basically guarantees into heaven. Because of the corruption and the ridiculous actions made by the church, people started breaking away. An example would be Martin Luther and the 95 theses, which was a list of 95 wrong-doings by the church. Soon, religions such as Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anglicanism, Reformism, etc. came to be. These are all religious denominations of Protestantism.

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Q: Describe how protestantism spread beyond germany?
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