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Q: Describe potential conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individual and acirc and 128 and 153s rights.?
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How do you manage risks associated with conflicts or dilemmas between an individual's rights and the duty of care?

I need help with dat Q sum body answer it plz :'(

How potential conflicts or dilemmas may arise between the duty of care and an individuals rights?

It is best practice to make sure that the individual is aware of th consequences of their choice and they have the mental capacity to understand the risks involved in their choice. It is their right as an individual to be able to make informed choices about their own lives even if you disagree with their choice.

How can i describe dilemmas that may arise beween the duty of care an individual's rights?

describe dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individuals rights

Where may there be conflicts or dilemmas in relation to sharing information?

There may be conflicts when sharing information with partners when confidentiality is broken. Conflicts may also arise when information reserved for a "need-to-know" basis is unveiled.

Dilemmas and conflicts that you may face in your practice?

Practicing a business is full of tough choices and conflicts. It's best, when faced with these, to remain true to what you know and what your mission and goals are.

Where to get additional support and advice about conflicts and dilemmas?

as health and social worker we should always bear in mind that the first support you needs is from your manger

Explain where to get additional support and advice about conflicts and dilemmas?

There are many resources available for those who need additional support on how to resolve dilemmas. A trusted adult can be helpful, a respected business person, a member of the clergy, or a therapist can all offer helpful advice and solutions.

Change into the possessive form of dilemmas?

The plural possessive form of dilemmas: dilemmas'

Which is correct dilemmas which occurs or dilemmas which occur?

The correct one is "dilemmas which occur".

What potential sources of ethical dilemmas exist in academic work?

Some potential sources of ethical dilemmas in academic work include not quoting sources, resulting in either intentional or unintentional plagiarism; using flawed research materials, resulting in erroneous results; and bias in conducting and reporting research. These are the most commonly occurring ethical issues in academic work.

Identify the theories relating to working with children with additional needs that can benefit or inhibit development?

Theories that can benefit development include the Social Model of Disability, which emphasizes making adjustments to the environment rather than changing the individual. The Bioecological Model highlights the importance of understanding the different systems that influence a child's development. Inhibiting development are theories that focus solely on the deficits of the child, such as the Medical Model of Disability, which can lead to stigmatization and low expectations. Social Learning Theory can also inhibit development if it does not take into account the unique needs and abilities of the child.

What fallacy is love it or leave it?

Either or Dilemmas or False Dilemmas