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Please let us know what Army of Tennessee you are referring to: Confederate or Union and the relevant period of the war you need to get informed about.

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Q: Describe the make up of the army of Tennessee?
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What was the makeup of the Tennessee army?

12 yrs up to 5oyrs old men

What did they fight for in the battle of Nashville?

To prevent John Hood's Army of Tennessee linking up with Joe Johnston in Carolina. Hood was routed by George Thomas, his army shattered, and Tennessee was safe for the Union after that.

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The Army of Tennessee was the name of a major Confederate army operating in and near the state of Tennessee. Their main job was to resist Union advances and keep Tennessee in the Confederacy. The Union also had a Army of the Tennessee. This army was under the command of General U S Grant until 1863 and later under William Tecumseh Sherman. It had the objective of controlling the Mississippi River and was later assigned to the march on Atlanta and on to the sea.

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