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The major component of the sun's angle at any particular location, at noon, is the season. The sun is at its highest at the summer solstice (about June 21 in the northern hemisphere) and lowest at the winter solstice (about December 21).

Far into the polar areas, the angle of the sun may be so low that even at noon it is still just below the horizon.

In the tropics, the angle of the sun remains very high at noon throughout the year.

The minor component of the sun's angle at noon is caused by Earth's elliptical orbit. Noon may be slightly before or after the sun reaches its highest point for the day. The measurement for this is usually shown by a figure-8 symbol on globes which is traditionally drawn over the Pacific Ocean near Ecuador.

A final component is the alignment of time zones. Few places in the world set noon as the sun's highest point (as was traditional before about 1800) - time zones are used to establish a single time and the sun's highest point may be many minutes before or after noon within a time zone.

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Gonzalo Abernathy

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