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HTTP defines eight methods (sometimes referred to as "verbs") indicating the desired action to be performed on the identified resource. What this resource represents, whether pre-existing data or data that is generated dynamically, depends on the implementation of the server. Often, the resource corresponds to a file or the output of an executable residing on the server. ; HEAD : Asks for the response identical to the one that would correspond to a GET request, but without the response body. This is useful for retrieving meta-information written in response headers, without having to transport the entire content. ; GET : Requests a representation of the specified resource. Note that GET should not be used for operations that cause side-effects, such as using it for taking actions in web applications. One reason for this is that GET may be used arbitrarily by robots or crawlers, which should not need to consider the side effects that a request should cause. See safe methods below. ; POST : Submits data to be processed (e.g., from an HTML form) to the identified resource. The data is included in the body of the request. This may result in the creation of a new resource or the updates of existing resources or both. ; PUT : Uploads a representation of the specified resource. ; DELETE : Deletes the specified resource. ; TRACE : Echoes back the received request, so that a client can see what intermediate servers are adding or changing in the request. ; OPTIONS : Returns the HTTP methods that the server supports for specified URL. This can be used to check the functionality of a web server by requesting '*' instead of a specific resource. ; CONNECT : Converts the request connection to a transparent TCP/IP tunnel, usually to facilitate SSL-encrypted communication (HTTPS) through an unencrypted HTTP proxy.[3]

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 1mo ago
  1. GET: Requests data from a server.
  2. POST: Submits data to be processed by a server.
  3. PUT: Updates data on a server.
  4. DELETE: Removes data from a server.
  5. PATCH: Partially updates data on a server.
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Q: Describe the various HTTP request methods?
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Fields of psychology include clinical, counseling, developmental, cognitive, social, and industrial-organizational psychology. These fields focus on studying various aspects of human behavior, emotions, and mental processes. Each field has its own unique perspectives and approaches to understanding the complexities of the human mind.

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There were 60 of them that had names, you can see the 60 names and photos of some of them at the website above. You can also see an article about Dr Tully who discovered the names from this article in Current Biology 2003 . This article has 10 of the dogs and their photos. Dr Kathleen Gerbasi Professor Psychology Niagara County Community College Sanborn NY

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