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Q: Did Alexander Hamilton favor the France as an ally over Britain?
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Did Alexander Hamilton favor or oppose the ratification?

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Alexander Hamilton

Did Hamilton favor the french or the British?

He favored Britain.

_______ argued in favor of a Bank of the United States.?

alexander hamilton

What social class did Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson favor?

Alexander Hamilton favored the elite, or wealthy class, while Thomas Jefferson was more in favor of the less fortunate, unlike himself.

Was Hamilton for or against trading with Britain?

Hamilton was in full favor of trading with Britain. Hamilton believed that free trade would help strengthen the colonies.

Why did Alexander Hamilton favor manufacturing?

Because he thought it was the future (which he was right about)

A favor de quien estaba Alexander hamilton?

yes a favor de ele:♥ i♥ Justin bieber my name is Wendy

Who were in favor of the Constitution?

all of these early leaders were in favor of the Constitution except James Madison or Patrick Henry or Alexander Hamilton or George Washington?

What people did Alexander Hamilton favor in his country?

he thought that wealth and well educated people should lead the nation.

How did the conflict between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton Give rise to two opposing political parties and two plans for what the best for America?

The two men had vastly differing views on the role of the government, and just about everything. While Alexander Hamilton held basically patrician views of big government, a national bank, and friendly terms with Great Britain, Jefferson was the exact opposite. He did not want too much power in the hands of the government, preferring more power to the states. He did not favor Britain, but France.

What were Alexander Hamilton view on bonds?

He was in favor of bonds in order to help America's national debt lower