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I believe this is false. If your in AOA, you should look at your previous lessons for the answer, unless of course your in a test.

But the correct answer is FALSE. (:

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Q: Did Baghdad become the capital of the Byzantine Empire?
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What year did constantinople become the capital of the roman empire?

Constantinople became the new capital in the year a.d. 312

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The Byzantine Empire.

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August 9, 527 A.D.

What do historians call the eastern roman empire?

Not sure what you mean by "new." Historically, it would be Byzantium. The Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire began with the Roman Emperor Constantine I in the 4th Century CE; as Western Europe was collapsing into the Dark Ages, he moved the (his new) Roman capitol to the location of Byzantium in Turkey; to become the great city of Constantinople (known today as Istanbul). It continued on as the premier power center of civilization & culture of the Eastern Mediterranean for about a 1000 years, until it was conquered by the Ottomans...

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Greek became a world language primarily due to the widespread influence of Alexander the Great's empire, which helped spread Greek culture and language across different regions. Greek was also the language of scholarship, commerce, and diplomacy during the Hellenistic period, further solidifying its status as a global language. Additionally, the translation of the Bible into Greek, known as the Septuagint, played a significant role in promoting Greek as a universal language for religious texts.

Why did Constantinople become the capital of Rome?

Emperor Constantine the Great moved the capital of the Byzantine/Roman Empire from Rome to Constantinople around 330 AD. He felt that Rome was an unsatisfactory capital. Rome was too far from the frontiers. Constantinople provided easy trade and military access to the Mediterranean, Black Sea, Danube River, Dnieper River, and the land route to Turkestan and India.

What type of capital did st petersburg become after the Russian empire set up headquarters?

It became a forward capital.

Was Contantinople the capital of the Persian Empire?

No. Constantinople did not exist during the tome of the Persian Empire in the 6th, 5th and 4th Centuries BCE. Constantinople would eventually become the capitals of the East Roman, Byzantine, and the Ottoman Empires in succession, but was never a Persian city, even though the Persians did occupy the Bosporus Strait where Constantinople is located.