

Did Cossacks enforce Jewish law

Updated: 10/23/2022
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13y ago

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No they did not, but they certainly enforced the many anti-Jewish laws of Tsarist Russia! On the other hand - paradoxically - there were, in some areas, a few predominantly Jewish Cossack groups, & a small number of Cossack leaders had Jewish ancestry. It's probably fair to state that most such groups/ individuals were "Jewish" in the broadest cultural sense, & were not in any meaningful way observant Jews.

Generally, however, Cossacks were often used by Tsarist ministers as ruthless agents of anti-Semitism: often under the guise of "counter-revolutionary" activity - eg the "Black Hundreds" which followed the Revolution of 1905. Many "pogroms" in late C19th/ early C20th Russia were initiated & led by Cossacks who raped, tortured & murdered thousands of Jews.

Russian Jews had good reason to fear & hate Cossacks. Today Cossacks are regarded as romantic, colourful, "free spirits", but it should not be forgotten that their special privileges/ status in late C19th Russia were bought by their willingness to do the "dirty work" of the Tsarist regime, especially brutal persecution of minorities.

Prior to the Nazi era, many Cossacks were among the most vicious persecutors of Jews in modern European history.

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