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He refused to believe black holes could exist. His conceit cost him his marriage and when he finally won the Nobel prize, which wasn't for relativity, he gave the purse to his ex-wife who raised his children as a single mother.

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Q: Did Einstein have any downfalls due to the theory of relativity?
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Isaac Newton's theory of relativity?

Isaac Newton did not propose a theory of relativity. His work mainly focused on classical mechanics and the laws of motion. The theory of relativity was later developed by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century, with the special theory of relativity in 1905 and the general theory of relativity in 1915.

What is the imbention of Albert Einstein?

Albert Einstein is known for his groundbreaking work in theoretical physics, which included the development of the theory of relativity. His most famous equation, E=mc², explained the relationship between mass and energy. Einstein did not invent a physical object, but his theories have had a profound impact on our understanding of the universe.

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Einstein is famously known for developing the theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of gravity, space, and time. This theory helped resolve discrepancies between classical physics and observed phenomena, such as the motion of Mercury and the bending of light around massive objects.

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What are the contributions of Alexander Einstein?

There is no significant contribution of any person named Alexander Einstein recorded. However, Albert Einstein made major contributions in science including the theory of relativity which he got a Nobel prize for.

What flaw did Einstein make in his theory of relativity?

One potential flaw in Einstein's theory of relativity is that it does not adequately address the fundamental forces of the universe, such as gravity and electromagnetism, in a unified framework. This has led to ongoing efforts to develop a theory of quantum gravity that reconciles general relativity with quantum mechanics.

How did Albert Einstein's theory of relativity change the law if conservation of energy?

Einstein's theory of relativity showed that energy could be converted into mass and vice versa according to the famous equation E=mc^2. This demonstrated that energy is not always conserved in the traditional sense, as it can be converted into different forms.

What president was born in Germany but you became a citizen of the US in 1904 you are best known for your theory of relativity?

Albert Einstein is famous for his original and earth-shaking theory of Relativity . He was born in Ulm, Germany. He became a US citizen in 1940. I do not know what group, if any, that he was ever president of.

What is einsteins theory of relativity?

Einstein's theory of relativity is that the faster an object moves, the slower time passes for that object, compared to an outside, stationary observer, so the object essentialy travels forward in time. Extreme speeds (nearing the speed of light) however, are necesary for any noticeable effects, and for any observer inside the area of slowed time, time would seem to pass at a regular rate. Relativity also plays a part of the effect of redshift, another theory similar to relativity which you may want to do some research on.

Did Albert Einstein discover the GPS?

Albert Einstein did not invent Global Positioning Satellites or any kind of satellites. However, it is also true that it is necessary to understand Einstein's theory of relativity, in order to get sufficient accuracy to create a GPS system, since relativistic time dilation effects do affect the satellites.

Was there any references to the theory of relativity before Einstein could discover it?

Henri Poincare and Hendirk Lorentz both wrote articles prior to 1905 that made speculations about things that Einstein made explicit. Poincare even used the word "relativity" in his writings. There is an ongoing dispute on how much credit Poincare deserves for either inspiring Einstein's ideas or even for developing them prior to 1905. Most historians agree that it was Einstein who ultimately jettisoned the idea of absolute time and space, and did so without major contributions from Poincare's work.

Is the Ether Theory any better in explaining the laws of the universe than Einsteins General Theory of Relativity?
