

Did Einstein play an instrument

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

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Mastered the violin at the age of six, later learned the organ. I'm sure he picked up many instruments in his life.

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Q: Did Einstein play an instrument
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What musical instrument did Albert Einstein play?

Einstein played the piano and violin. Many geniuses play an instrument. It is well documented that playing music (not just listening to Mozart!) changes the hippocampus area of the brain which is responsible for spatial reasoning.

Did Albert Einstein only play one instrument?

No he did not play one... He played two! he played the violin and the piano

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Albert Einstein's mother played the violin. She began to teach her son to play when he was about six years old. As he travelled around the world, Einstein would often play his violin, which he nicknamed Lina, with him.

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Albert Einstein loved to play the violin. He learned to play as a child and said it helped him to relax as an adult.

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