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Yes, both Buddhism and Jainism were well established in India by this date. Christianity may have arrived as early as the first century, although it did not spread beyond one area.

People of all kinds visited India, so they probably knew about the religions of all their neighbours.

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Q: Did Hinduism have contact with any other religions until 600 C.E.?
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Who developed the Hindu religion?

Hinduism is often called the world's oldest religion. As such, no one is credited with developing it. It has no single founder and it wasn't until the 19th century that the word Hinduism emerged as a way of describing a multitude of Indian beliefs and practices.

Are the Laws in the Books of Exodus and Leviticus mirrored in the laws of Hinduism Buddhism Shintoism or the native American religions?

A:Yes. To a large extent, the laws in the Pentateuch have equivalents in other religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinoism and native religions. All religions develop rules for good conduct and social harmony. Sometimes, these laws are mirrored, but with differences. for example, Judaism prohibits eating pork, while Hinduism prohibits eating beef. Some of the laws, especially in Leviticus concern the proper way to worship, including requirements for animal sacrifice. All religions have rules and laws for the proper worship of the gods.The law against graven images is one that is not reflected in most other religions. The kingdom of Judah entered what archaeologists call an aniconic phase during the seventh and sixth centuries BCE. At this point in the history, archaeologists no longer find artefacts showing images of the gods of Judah, reflected in the Second Commandment against the use of images. Perhaps in thec seventh century BCE, the official religion of Judah became monolatry, although the people themselves remained polytheistic until the Babylonian Exile. Monolatry is the belief that many gods exist, but that these gods can exert their power only on those who worship them. This explains the First Commandment in Exodus using the unusual form, to have no gods "beforeme" - this implies literally you can believe in other gods, but you must worship me. Monolatry led in time to monotheism.