

Did Hitler and Stalin hate each other?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Yes they hated each other a lot.

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Q: Did Hitler and Stalin hate each other?
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> Hitler and Stalin did agree to be allies, however Hitler broke the pact by > invading russia when Stalin was completely unaware to this. When this > happened Stalin sulked away in his room for 3 or 4 days while the German > soldiers invaded Russia. When they were still allies though, they agreed > to split up Poland half for Hitler and half for Stalin. Mostly true. > They hated each other. Fascism and communism are polar opposites, so > Hitler and Stalin viewed each other's method of rule as the wrong way. They > did have a sort of respect for each other, hence the short-lived > Non-Aggression Pact between the two countries. This is inaccurate and based on false assumptions. Stalin may have come to hate or respect Hitler because of the events described above. But they had no sense of being polar opposites due to ideology, these two had just signed a non aggression pact, making them allies just as war was brewing, and after both had spent many years building large militaries.

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