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Jesus spoke more about heaven than hell in The Bible. He taught about the kingdom of God, eternal life, and the importance of our relationship with God. While he did also mention the concept of hell, his primary focus was on the love and salvation offered by God.

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Q: Did Jesus talk more about heaven or hell?
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What did Jesus talk about?

He talked about how to worship god and get into heaven

How does the whole heaven and hell thing work?

Heaven and Hell work pretty simply according to Christian mythology. All persons who are good and accept God and believe that Christ died for their sins and accept him will go to Heaven. Sinners and people who reject God and Christ will go to Hell. However, depending on who you talk to, the rules change.

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That's the implication. We're in a pseudo-Catholic universe, so it might be more precise to say that he spends his days in Purgatory, a place intermediate between Heaven and Hell (but pretty hellish), and his nights as a ghost. He's not allowed to talk about it. He might just disappear after he's done giving penance, but more likely he's going to Heaven.

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It depends who you talk to, the anglican church is split into different sects within its own walls, unity is more important than orthodoxy in anglicanism

Where in the Bible does it talk about the keys of hell?

The mention of the "keys of hell" is found in the Book of Revelation 1:18, where Jesus declares that he holds the keys of death and Hades, symbolizing his power over life and death. This passage emphasizes Jesus' authority over the afterlife and his victory over sin and death through his resurrection.

What is the difference between heaven a hell?

Heaven is referred to the place you go when you die, if you've been a good person. Of course, giving somebody a paper cut or stealing something from the dollar store isn't going to send you to hell, but don't do it anyway ;) Hell is the opposite of heaven. In Greek Mythology, the word Hell comes from the 'goddess' (if you will), Hel, who runs the city called Nuffelheim (in the underworld). It's where the 'bad' people go. Of course, nobody really knows if Heaven or Hell exists, since the dead cannot talk to us living people. It has been (and probably always will be) mythology.

How did you get to heaven?

You have to accept Christ into your heart or invite him. If you havent accepted the Lord into your life and heart and soul then you should talk to a Christian or a Pastor or Reverand to help you with that. But heres a simple way of doing it. Im not suggesting you say these EXACT words, but you should come up with your own. "Dear God, My new father in Heaven. Please come into my life and help me to Get to heaven. Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen." I hope you DO accept the lord into your life so you may go to heaven instead of hell.

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Jesus said that anyone who believed in him though he die to this world would join him in eternal life in heaven.

How can you return to earth after heaven?

You can't, and you will have no wish to. Heaven is the fulfillment of all desire, it is union with God. Once you are in heaven, you are no longer in time, but in eternity. The earth, as we know it, is strictly in time, and will end, and then everyone will either be in heaven or hell. At that point, God will create a new heaven and a new earth, but there is no return to this damaged one.

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No Gorgoroth is not a christian band, they are Devil worshipers if i could talk to them right now i would tell them "guys there is absolutely no reason to worship Satan cause when you die you'll got to hell and all he is going to do there is torture you, just because you sing music to show you worship him all he is saying is more people worship me fools more people to torture, if they turned to Jesus Christ and God right away and gave up Satan there is a high chance will go to heaven and be loved by Jesus and God so what do you want, to be tortured by Satan or to be loved and cared for by Jesus and God" that's what i would say.

What do Christians mean when they talk about their soul?

A:Many religions (not just Christianity) believe there is some invisible part of us that lives on after death. In Christianity and Islam, this part of us, the soul, is either rewarded in heaven or punished in hell for eternity because of the lives we have led. For some Christians, mere belief in Jesus is all that is needed for the soul to go to heaven, while for others it is also necessary to seek forgiveness for one's bad deeds in life.

Why do Christians believe in Heaven and Hell?

I do not think that I am allowed to alter the question, so I suggest that that it might read "Why do some people believe in heaven and hell?". The original seems to say that all did at one time believe.Now to answer as best I can. Because all men have been given the spirit of Christ, that is to know right from wrong. Also because Christ and Satan teach contrary to one another, one representing the blessings of heaven, the other representing that state He is in, that of unhappiness or Hell. Both places do exist, the one to ever lasting happiness, the other to ever lasting misery. The wise person believes that both are real, and they will be subject to either one.Jewish AnswerWe don't believe in the existence of either heaven or hell. Judaism barely spends any time discussing what may or may not happen when we die, in fact, there's barely any mention of this subject in the Tanach (Jewish Bible) at all.There are some loose theories of what might happen though:* When we die, our souls are cleansed of any wrongdoings. This is done by our accounting of every action done in life. It's believed that this process takes no longer than 12 months but most people don't do enough bad in life to warrant it taking a full 12 months.* Our souls return to HaShem to wait for the world to come.* Our souls may be reincarnated into different people so that we have additional chances to work to become closer to HaShem.* Those souls that choose to be truly evil in life, cannot survive the process of cleansing and cease to exist.