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yes some of the jews:D

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Q: Did Jews carry gas masks during world war 2?
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How many Jews died in austeria during world war 2?

About 65,000 Jews were killed in Austria during the Holocaust.

Which countries did Jews migrate to during and after World War 2?

The Jews migrated to Palestine after World War 2.

Where did the Jews have to leave during world war 2?


How was it in Kracow for Jews during World War 2?


How did Jews get to shanghai during World War 2?

By ship

What was the name of the section of a city where Jews had to live during World War 2?

The Jews had to live in ghettos.

What were all Jews required to wear during World War 2?

A yellow star that indicates they are Jews.

Did cthe German soldiers relocated the Jews during the holocaust?

yes, but soldiers only carry out the wishes of politicians

Why didn't the Jews practice their religion during World War I?

Jews practiced their religion quite openly during World War 1 in most countries where Jews lived. In Czarist Russia, there were some difficulties in practicing Judaism, but elsewhere it was not an issue. It was during World War 2 that being Jewish became an issue.

What country has more Jews during World War 2?

At the start of World War 2 was Poland with 3.3 Million Jews. by the end of World War 2, it only had 250,000 left and by then the Soviet Union had the most surviving Jews, which was 1.75 Million. Total of 1.1 Million Soviet Jews were killed during the Holocaust.

Who did the Nazis persecute during World War 2?

The Nazis persecuted the Jews During WWII

Did the pope want the Jews killed during world war 11?

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